Tornar (to return) conjugation

80 examples
This verb can also mean the following: do again, give back, do

Conjugation of tornar

Present tense
I return
you return
he/she returns
we return
you all return
they return
Present perfect tense
he tornat
I have returned
has tornat
you have returned
ha tornat
he/she has returned
hem tornat
we have returned
heu tornat
you all have returned
han tornat
they have returned
Future tense
I will return
you will return
he/she will return
we will return
you all will return
they will return
Conditional mood
I would return
you would return
he/she would return
we would return
you all would return
they would return
Past perfect tense
havia tornat
I had returned
havies tornat
you had returned
havia tornat
he/she had returned
havíem tornat
we had returned
havíeu tornat
you all had returned
havien tornat
they had returned
Past impf. tense
I was returning
you were returning
he/she was returning
we were returning
you all were returning
they were returning
Imperative mood
let him/her return!
let's return!
let them return!
Imperative negative mood
no tornis
don't return!
no torni
don't let him/her return!
no tornem
let's not return!
no torneu
don't return!
no tornin
don't let them return!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria tornat
I would have returned
hauries tornat
you would have returned
hauria tornat
he/she would have returned
hauríem tornat
we would have returned
hauríeu tornat
you all would have returned
haurien tornat
they would have returned
Future perfect tense
hauré tornat
I will have returned
hauràs tornat
you will have returned
haurà tornat
he/she will have returned
haurem tornat
we will have returned
haureu tornat
you all will have returned
hauren tornat
they will have returned
Preterite past tense
I returned
you returned
he/she returned
we returned
you all returned
they returned
Past anterior tense
haguí tornat
I had returned
hagueres tornat
you had returned
hagué tornat
he/she had returned
haguérem tornat
we had returned
haguéreu tornat
you all had returned
haguéren tornat
they had returned
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) return
(so that you) return
(so that he/she) returns
(so that we) return
(so that you all) return
(so that they) return
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was returning
(so that you) were returning
(so that he/she) was returning
(so that we) were returning
(so that you all) were returning
(so that they) were returning
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi tornat
(so that I) have returned
hagis tornat
(so that you) have returned
hagi tornat
(so that he/she) has returned
hàgim tornat
(so that we) have returned
hàgiu tornat
(so that you all) have returned
hagin tornat
(so that they) have returned
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués tornat
(so that I) had returned
haguessis tornat
(so that you) had returned
hagués tornat
(so that he/she) had returned
haguéssim tornat
(so that we) had returned
haguéssiu tornat
(so that you all) had returned
haguessin tornat
(so that they) had returned
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi tornar
(so that I) returned
vagis tornar
(so that you) returned
vagi tornar
(so that he/she) returned
vàgim tornar
(so that we) returned
vàgiu tornar
(so that you all) returned
vagin tornar
(so that they) returned
Periphastic past tense
vaig tornar
I returned
vas tornar
you returned
va tornar
he/she returned
vam tornar
we returned
vau tornar
you all returned
van tornar
they returned
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver tornat
I had returned
vas haver tornat
you had returned
va haver tornat
he/she had returned
vam haver tornat
we had returned
vau haver tornat
you all had returned
van haver tornat
they had returned

Examples of tornar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
Tom pacientment, va tornar-lo a son lloc: aleshores ella deixa que hi romangués.She thrust it away again, but with less animosity. Tom patiently returned it to its place.
Aleshores Tom sortí de la casa per anar damunt les muntanyoles, i qui sap-lo-lluny, i no tornar a escola aquell dia.Then Tom marched out of the house and over the hills and far away, to return to school no more that day.
Tom, fregant-se els ulls amb la manega, comença de barbotejar quelcom sobre un determini d'escapar-se de la seva malmenada existencia i la manca de simpatia de la llar, i vaguejar per l'ample món, i no tornar mai més; i acaba esperant que Joe no l'oblidaria.Tom, wiping his eyes with his sleeve, began to blubber out something about a resolution to escape from hard usage and lack of sympathy at home by roaming abroad into the great world never to return; and ended by hoping that Joe would not forget him.
Aquest era el gran secret de Tom: el pla de tornar a casa amb els seus germans pirates i assistir a sos propis funerals.THAT was Tom's great secret--the scheme to return home with his brother pirates and attend their own funerals.
Després d’una crisi política, França accepta tornar a ocupar la seva cadira al Consell a canvi de mantenir la regla de la unanimitat quan estiguin en joc “interessos nacionals vitals”.Following a political crisis, France agrees to take part in Council meetings once again, in return for an agreement that the unanimity rule be maintained when ‘vital national interests’ are at stake.
En vista que el seu ànim s’ha tornat tan seglar, torno a l’església.As your present mood seems to be one peculiarly secular, I will return to the church at once.
Avui torno i en començar aquest viatge trobo I'home que pintava les parets i escrivia el nom de Salvador Allende per tots els carrers de Xile.Today I return and beginning this new voyage I find the man that painted the walls and wrote the name of Salvador Allende in every street of Chile.
La torno amb una escorta especial. Espero que I'amistat entre les nostres grans nacions no...I am returning her with special escort, and hope that the friendship between our two great nations has not...
Molt bé, jo no soc Napoleó, i me'n torno als EUASo I'll call Napoleon and I return to the U.S.A.
"Com si estiguessis a casa teva." I casualment torno a la meva conversa.And I casually return to my conversation.
L'anell desaparegut, però la pell blanca, el lloc que una vegada oposats, suggereix una que va passar algun temps en l'estranger comportar-se amb orgull i se li va informar sobre el seu escàs valor, i després va trencar el compromís i tornes Anglaterra buscant a algú millor.You broke off the engagement... ...and returned to England for better prospects.
Digues-me per què no tornes les trucades de l'Alex, d'acord?Tell me why you're not returning Alex's phone calls, okay?
Per què no em tornes les trucades, Gil?Why didn't you return my calls,gil?
o tornes la màquina o el meu sexe te'l pintes a l'oli i te'n vas al llit amb ell.You're gonna return the machine, or you can print out a working set of lady parts and sleep with those.
Qui t'ha enviat, sap que potser no tornes.Those who sent you, know that you may not return.
Ara que ja ha passat el pitjor i que els nivells d'aigua disminueixen lentament i fermament en moltes zones del país, la sensació de normalitat torna a Bangkok.Now that the worst seems to be over and the tide are slowly, but steady receding in many parts of the country, a sense of normalcy returns to Bangkok.
Navali torna ara el favor.Navalny now returns the favor.
L'ós (2011) explica la història d'un presoner de guerra que torna a casa després de molts anys captiu per trobar-se amb que la seva dona s'ha tornat a casar."The Bear" (2011) tells the story of a prisoner of war who returns home after many years in captivity to find his wife has remarried.
Però quan el cor d'un nen torna entre nosaltres i entra dins nostre, tornem a la vida.But whenever the heart of a child returns to us... and comes into us... we live again.
Aquest vespre, Kovelenko torna triomfant amb el seu xicot imperialista americø, el capitø Lockwood.Tonight, Captain Kovelenko returns in triumph with her imperialistic American fiancé, Captain Charles Lockwood,
Però tornem a l'article.But let's return to the article.
Ah-Wang, tornem a la selva.Ah Wang, let's return to the jungle.
Dirigeixi la nau fins que tornem.You're in charge until we return.
Espera'ns a la sala del consell fins que tornem.Wait in the council chambers until we return.
Però quan el cor d'un nen torna entre nosaltres i entra dins nostre, tornem a la vida.But whenever the heart of a child returns to us... and comes into us... we live again.
L'any passat, al bloc de Zaka Guluiev es detallava la situació d'alguns dels que han tornat a Samtskhe-Dzhavakheti, sobretot des de l'Azerbaidjan:Last year, Zaka Guluyev's Blog detailed the situation of some of those that have returned, mainly from Azerbaijan, to Samtskhe-Javakheti:
Des d'aleshores, ha tornat a Birmània diverses vegades i ha pogut ser testimoni dels canvis que s'han produït al país en els darrers anys:He has since then returned to Myanmar several times and he witnessed the changes that have taken place in the country in recent years:
Més tard, aquests mateixos pares han tornat a matricular els nens al nostre centre.But he says those parents have returned their kids to Matenwa.
Després, amb carreres curtes, hem tornat al campament base.Then, in short runs, we returned to the base camp.
Ara que has tornat a la classe, com sents l'experiència?Now that you have returned to the classroom, how do you feel about the experience?
Resaré per què torneu sa i estalvi, missenyor.I will pray for your safe return, My Lord.
I cadascuna en la vostra estació torneu i torneu.And each in your season returns and returns
Ara ens quedarem aquí i defensarem els nens. Quan torneu, si vols que marxem, sense ressentiments.When you return, if you want us gone, no hard feelings.
Torneu! Som davant de l'enemic, torneu al refugi!Lieutenant, make them return!
Si us plau torneu-me-la.Please return Ingrid to me.
Benvinguda a casa als desplaçats interns del Sudan que tornen:Welcoming home returning IDPs in Sudan:
IDP que tornen a casa i que s'abracen amb habitants del poble, Flickr d'ACNUR (CC license-BY).IDPs return to their village and are hugged by the villagers on Flickr by UNHCR (CC license-BY)
Després de 44 anys de llarga absència, els Jocs del Sud-est Asiàtic tornen una vegada més a Birmània.After 44 years of long absence, South East Asian Games have once again returned to Myanmar.
El festival Obon, que es celebra cada any a mitjans d'agost, marca el moment en que els ancestres tornen a visitar la llar familiar.Observed in mid-August each year, O-Bon marks the time when ancestors return to visit the family home.
Els militars tornen a les seves casernes.The military return to their barracks.
Quan marxeu, tornaré a Hivernplè i posaré ordre a tot plegat.I will return to Winterfell and set matters straight.
I tornaré triomfant a Nova Delhi en ho alt d'un elefant blanc cobert de joies!And I will return to New Delhi in triumph atop a bejeweled white elephant!
Quan marxeu, tornaré a Hivèrnia i posaré ordre a tot plegat.With your leave, I will return to Winterfell and set matters straight.
Em tornaràs els meus diners.You will return my money.
Ahmadinejad va afegir: "No tinc cap dubte que Chávez tornarà amb Jesucrist i la resta d'homes honrats", fent referència a l'Imam Ocult o Mahdi, el futur salvador de la humanitat segons algunes faccions de l'Islam.Ahmadinejad added, "I have no doubt Chavez will return with Jesus Christ and all the other righteous ones," referring to the Hidden Imam who some in Islam consider to be the future savior of mankind.
Ell... tornarà. ...Sephiroth.He... will return. ...Sephiroth.
I a pas cap de mejan de saber se òc o non Christopher Johnson tornarà.There's no way of knowing whether or not Christopher Johnson will return.
"llavors ens recuperarem i el dolor real tornarà.""Then we will be restored and the great pain will return."
Un cop hi arribeu, em tornareu el rifle, i jo la pistola.When you get back, you will bring my rifle to me, and I will return your handgun.
Si no, tornaran a les seves tasques brutes al cap de dues setmanes.Otherwise, they will return to their dirty job in two weeks.
Bé, llavors suposo, que els avions tornaran automàticament... un cop arribin a la seva zona de seguretat.The planes will return once they reach their fail-safe points?
Si els hi doneu el vostre amor, us el tornaran multiplicat per mil.If you give them your love, they will return it a thousandfold.
Un cop els vampirs tinguin altres substàncies a part des éssers humans, és la meva fervent esperança de que tornaran a ser uns membres pacífics, respectuosos amb les lleis, i pagadors d'impostos de la nostra societat.Once these vampers have sustenance other than human beings, it is my fervent hope that they will return to being peaceful, law-abiding, tax-paying members of our society.
M'he passat el vespre pensant que la policia tornaria.I spent the afternoon thinking that the police would return.
Semblava un joc gloriós el celebrar un festí d'aquella manera lliure i salvatge dins la boscúria verge d'una illa inexplorada i inhabitada, lluny dels indrets per on circulen els homes; i digueren que mai més no tornarien a la civilització.It seemed glorious sport to be feasting in that wild, free way in the virgin forest of an unexplored and uninhabited island, far from the haunts of men, and they said they never would return to civilization.
Pel cap baix, quatre-cents mil turcs de Meskheti viuen actualment fora de Geòrgia, per bé que no se sap del cert quants hi tornarien en un procés que hauria d'haver finalitzat oficialment l'any 2011, però que podria allargar-se.At least 400,000 Meskhetian Turks now live outside of Georgia, although it has been unclear how many would return in a process that should have officially ended last year, but which might be extended.
Abans de la deportació, els soldats els van dir que tornarien al cap de set dies, i que per tant no havien d'endur-se cap pertinença.Before the deportation they were told by the soldiers that they would return in 7 days, so no belongings should be taken.
Creia que, si resava molt, molt ferventment, els déus em tornarien la meva mare.I thought that if I prayed very, very hard, the Gods would return my mother to me.
Ell tornava d'Argentina.He was returning from Argentina.
El senyor Stark tornava borratxo d'un bordell quan els seus homes van atacar en Jaime.Lord Stark was returning drunk from a brothel when his men attacked Jaime.
"...entrava i sortia de l'ombra dels arbres, corrent veloçment i silenciosa, i mantenint-se lluny del sol; de tal manera que se'n tornaren remugant i blastomant, a vigilar la porta."He slipped in and out among the tree shadows. He ran quickly and quietly and was careful to avoid the light. Soon they returned to watch the gate, muttering and swearing.
"Estic molt decebut que torni la llei", va explicar l’antic bisbe anglicà Christopher Ssenyonjo de l’oest de Buganda en una entrevista telefònica amb ENInews el 8 de febrer des de Kampala, la capital del país.“I am very disappointed with the return of the bill,” former Anglican Bishop Christopher Ssenyonjo of West Buganda told ENInews in a telephone interview on Feb. 8 from Kampala, Uganda’s capital.
Parlarem quan torni de la cacera.We'll talk when I return from the hunt.
Ja en parlarem quan torni.We'll speak when I return. (Wind howling)
Fins que torni, seràs tu.Until I return that will be you.
Fins que torni.Until I return.
Però t'hi repensaràs, quan tornis a ser la persona assenyada que ets.Take the letter. I don't think that you will, once calm and rational thought returns.
I ara vull que tornis al dormitori i que no te’n moguis.I want you to return to your dormitory and stay there.
La teva tasca s'ha acabat. Vés-te'n. I no tornis més.Good, your task already ended, he/she leaves us and don't return.
Anem a engordarte abans de que tornis a Boston. - Està bé, mare. - Està bé.We’il fatten you up before you return to Boston. – All right, mama. – All right.
A més, també ofereixel programa Desenvolupament, en què prepara alguns dels immigrants temporersperquè siguin agents per al desenvolupament, perquè quan tornin al seu país d’origenpuguin compartir l’experiència i promoure projectes col·lectius per a la millora econòmicai social.It runs a ‘Course for Development Agents’, which hasas its objective the training of seasonal immigrants in Catalonia so that upon return totheir country of origin they can share their experience and promote collective projectsfor economic and social improvement.
Els pares d'aquests homes i dones ja no volen que els seus fills tornin vius; tan sols volen qualsevol informació que els ajude a passar pàgina després d'aquests llargs trenta anys.The parents of these men and women don’t want their children to return alive anymore; they just want any news about their children for the sake of a thirty-years stretched out closure.
Ordena que tots els jedi tornin al temple.It requests all Jedi to return to the temple.
Què creus que passarà quan tornin?What do you think happens when they return? We might have to slip out.
Per favor tornin a les seves seients i col·loquin les taules en posició vertical.Please return your seats and tray tables to their upright and locked position.
Aquí en Michael Barret, tornant la conexió a l'estudi.This is michael barrett returning you to the studio.
- Te les estic tornant.- I'm returning them.
T'estic tornant el favor.I'm just returning the favor.
Només estic tornant el meu uniforme.I'm just returning my uniform.
Aethelwulf, està tornant ara mateix.Aethelwulf, is even now returning home.

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