Returna (to return) conjugation

44 examples

Conjugation of returna

Present tense
I return
you return
he/she/it returns
we return
you all return
they return
Present perfect tense
am returnat
I have returned
ai returnat
you have returned
a returnat
he/she/it has returned
am returnat
we have returned
ați returnat
you all have returned
au returnat
they have returned
Past preterite tense
I returned
you returned
he/she/it returned
we returned
you all returned
they returned
Future tense
voi returna
I will return
vei returna
you will return
va returna
he/she/it will return
vom returna
we will return
veți returna
you all will return
vor returna
they will return
Conditional mood
aș returna
I would return
ai returna
you would return
ar returna
he/she/it would return
am returna
we would return
ați returna
you all would return
ar returna
they would return
Subjunctive present tense
să returnez
(so that/if) I return
să returnezi
(so that/if) you return
să returneze
(so that/if) he/she/it return
să returnăm
(so that/if) we return
să returnați
(so that/if) you all return
să returneze
(so that/if) they return
Subjunctive past tense
să fi returnat
(so that/if) I have returned
să fi returnat
(so that/if) you have returned
să fi returnat
(so that/if) he/she/it have returned
să fi returnat
(so that/if) we have returned
să fi returnat
(so that/if) you all have returned
să fi returnat
(so that/if) they have returned
Past impf. tense
I was returning
you were returning
he/she/it was returning
we were returning
you all were returning
they were returning
Imperative mood
Imperative negative mood
nu returna
do not return!
nu returnați
do not return!
Past pluperfect tense
I had returned
you had returned
he/she/it had returned
we had returned
you all had returned
they had returned
Future alternative 1 tense
am să returnez
I am going to return
ai să returnezi
you are going to return
are să returneze
he/she/it is going to return
avem să returnăm
we are going to return
aveți să returnați
you all are going to return
au să returneze
they are going to return
Future alternative 2 tense
o să returnez
I am going to return
o să returnezi
you are going to return
o să returneze
he/she/it is going to return
o să returnăm
we are going to return
o să returnați
you all are going to return
o să returneze
they are going to return
Future perfect tense
voi fi returnat
I will have returned
vei fi returnat
you will have returned
va fi returnat
he/she/it will have returned
vom fi returnat
we will have returned
veți fi returnat
you all will have returned
vor fi returnat
they will have returned
Future in the past tense
aveam să returnez
I was going to return
aveai să returnezi
you were going to return
avea să returneze
he/she/it was going to return
aveam să returnăm
we were going to return
aveați să returnați
you all were going to return
aveau să returneze
they were going to return
Conditional past tense
aș fi returnat
I would have returned
ai fi returnat
you would have returned
ar fi returnat
he/she/it would have returned
am fi returnat
we would have returned
ați fi returnat
you all would have returned
ar fi returnat
they would have returned
Presumptive tense
oi returna
I might return
oi returna
you might return
o returna
he/she/it might return
om returna
we might return
oți returna
you all might return
or returna
they might return
Presumptive continuous tense
oi fi returnând
I might be returning
oi fi returnând
you might be returning
o fi returnând
he/she/it might be returning
om fi returnând
we might be returning
oți fi returnând
you all might be returning
or fi returnând
they might be returning
Presumptive past tense
oi fi returnat
I might have returned
oi fi returnat
you might have returned
o fi returnat
he/she/it might have returned
om fi returnat
we might have returned
oți fi returnat
you all might have returned
or fi returnat
they might have returned

Examples of returna

Example in RomanianTranslation in English
"Lăsaţi 10.000 dolari în seara asta în stratul de flori, Şi vom returna trupul curând după aceea. ""Leave $10,000 in the flowerbed tonight, and it will be returned soon afterwards."
"Moartea va trece pe lângă tine, doar dacă eşti bun la suflet, şi vei returna acest lucru sacru intact.""Death shall pass you over if an unselfish act "returns this sacred work intact. "
"Voi returna cinci mii şi ne vom decide.""So I'm returning five grand and we're gonna decide this."
"Vă vom returna caii cât de repede posibil."We will return your horses as soon as we can.
"şi vei returna acest lucru sacru intact.""returns this sacred work intact. "
*Îţi returnez versurile.I am returning your verses to you.
- A trebuit sa le returnez pentru alibi.- I had to return them for an alibi.
- A trebuit să returnez 13 mixere!- I had to return 13 Cuisinarts. - That's enough.
- Am cumpărat două bilete la clasa întâi pentru Paris... de pe trei carduri de credit a căror dobânda va creşte cu 20% în următorii şase ani... în fine... chiar vreau să le returnez.I bought two first class tickets to Paris... on three credit cards that will escalate 20% over six years... anyway... I really need to return them.
- Am venit s-o returnez. Mi-am luat şi eu.Hey, I came to return this.
"Dacă nu returnezi ce ai luat, şi aici la refer la tot, o să chem poliţia.""If you don't return what you took, "and I mean everything, I'm gonna call the cops."
"Pentru a-ţi încasa premiul trebuie doar să returnezi această scrisoare la noi la birou, împreună cu numărul tău câştigător şi o listă cu revistele la care vrei să te abonezi.""To collect your prize "you just have to return this letter "to our office, along with your winning prize number
"Si pot doar sa sper ca o sa returnezi macar o mica parte din afectiunea, iubirea pe care o simt pentru tine."And l can only hope that you return some small part of the affection, nay, love l feel for you.
- Cred că ar trebui să-l returnezi.- I think you should return it.
- Da, zice că s-a predat pentru a fi lângă tine, şi trebuie să-i returnezi favorul, prin a-l ajuta.Yeah,he's thinking he got arrested so he could spend some more time with you, I mean you could at least return the favor by doing something nice for him.
- Paznic timp de doi ani, dar, de atunci, nu returnează impozit pe venit.Security guard jobs for two years, but since then no income tax returns.
- Poate că memoria dvs. returnează un pic, nu - nr- Maybe your memory returns a little bit, no? - No.
- Înainte de a vorbi, mi-ar place să spun... că nu vom face reclamaţii împotriva fetei Parkington atâta timp cât returnează banii pe care i-a luat.- Before you speak, I'd like to say... that we're not going to press charges against the Parkington girl... as long as she returns the money she took.
Apoi el returnează casetele şi paginile transcrise.Then he returns the tapes and the typed pages.
Ce fel de criminal returnează o armă?What kind of killer returns a gun?
"Vă returnăm cadourile voastre profunde pentru că nunta nu a mai avut loc"."We are returning your thoughtful gift because the wedding didn't take place. "
- Am venit să o returnăm.- But we came to return it.
- Este timpul să returnăm lucrările de artă?- Time to return the artwork?
- Nu scrie de unde e. - Unde să-l returnăm ?-Where would we return it?
- O să returnăm aceşti bani.- We're gonna return this money.
"Am returnat prima rată din onorariul meu..." "... fără să dau o explicaţie completă."I returned the first installment of my fee as I had not given a complete explanation.
"Pentru fiecare oră că Oscar nu este returnat,"For every hour that Oscar isn't returned,
"Raymond a returnat revistele, intacte". Şi a făcut un an de puşcărie."Raymond returned said literature unharmed." Does a year solid inside.
'Am returnat Piatra Bisericii Scoţiene, 'la ruienele Bisercii din Arboath, 'Unde scoţienii au venit să semneze declaraţia Independenţei. ''We returned the Stone to the Church of Scotland 'at the ruined Abbey of Arbroath, 'where the Estates of Scotland met to sign their Declaration of Independence. '
- A murit, nu a mai returnat-o.- She died, he never returned it.
Ai spus că vrei să curețe Sleepy Hollow... returnați-l la oraș liniștit ați folosit să știu.You said you wanted to clean up Sleepy Hollow... return it to the peaceful town you used to know.
Am nevoie de bani prost, vă rugăm să returnați banii mei, de asemenea.I need cash badly, please return my cash as well.
Cazul în care este motivul pentru care sunt aici, vă rugăm să returnați.If that's why you're here, please return.
De data aceasta, nu uitați să vă spălați mașina mea, și returnați-l la mine, bine.This time don't forget to wash my car, and return it to me, okay.
Mi-e dor de zilele trecute când partenerii romantici puteau fi returnați la magazinul video.I miss the old days when your romantic partners could be returned to the video store.
- Îţi returnam complimentul.- I was returning your compliment.
Nu, returnam costumul de hot dog care v-a plăcut tuturor.No. I was returning a hot dog costume that you all enjoyed.
Poate că returnau filme pe care le-au închiriat mai demult.Maybe they were returning movies they already had.
Am mers cu maşina la magazinul cu produse de instalaţii sanitare unde mama sa returnase vasul de toaletă pe care îl comandase pentru vizita regală, fără să-l plătească.He drove us by the plumbing shop where his mother had returned the toilet seat she had ordered for the royal visit. Without paying for it.
Da, timpul zboară. - Da, 007 dar de ce nu stabileşti un record returnând-o pe asta. Se activează cu asta...- Yes, well, 007 why don't you establish a record by returning this one.
El a refuzat ofertele mele de amnistie si reconciliere, asa că nu mai putem permite să-i realimentăm fortele Sudului... returnând-ui ofiterii si oamenii.He's turned down my offers of amnesty and reconciliation so we can no longer afford to replenish Southern ranks by returning their officers and men.
Generalul Pakistanez a anunţat că în data de 15 August... vor răspunde reciproc returnând în India deţinuţii săi.The Pakistan General has announced that on 15th August... they will reciprocate by returning Indian POW's to India as well
Gheaţa continuă să se topească, returnând apa împrumutată măriiThe ice continues to melt returning the borrowed water to the sea.
Mă întorc de la magazin returnând unele lucruri pe care le au în listă.lama here at this home store returning some of the stuff that you had on that house list.

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