Acumular (to accumulate) conjugation

66 examples

Conjugation of acumular

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I accumulate
you accumulate
he/she/it accumulates
we accumulate
you all accumulate
they accumulate
Present perfect tense
he acumulado
I have accumulated
has acumulado
you have accumulated
ha acumulado
he/she/it has accumulated
hemos acumulado
we have accumulated
habéis acumulado
you all have accumulated
han acumulado
they have accumulated
Past preterite tense
I accumulated
you accumulated
he/she/it accumulated
we accumulated
you all accumulated
they accumulated
Future tense
I will accumulate
you will accumulate
he/she/it will accumulate
we will accumulate
you all will accumulate
they will accumulate
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would accumulate
you would accumulate
he/she/it would accumulate
we would accumulate
you all would accumulate
they would accumulate
Past imperfect tense
I used to accumulate
you used to accumulate
he/she/it used to accumulate
we used to accumulate
you all used to accumulate
they used to accumulate
Past perfect tense
había acumulado
I had accumulated
habías acumulado
you had accumulated
había acumulado
he/she/it had accumulated
habíamos acumulado
we had accumulated
habíais acumulado
you all had accumulated
habían acumulado
they had accumulated
Future perfect tense
habré acumulado
I will have accumulated
habrás acumulado
you will have accumulated
habrá acumulado
he/she/it will have accumulated
habremos acumulado
we will have accumulated
habréis acumulado
you all will have accumulated
habrán acumulado
they will have accumulated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I accumulate
(if/so that) you accumulate
(if/so that) he/she/it accumulate
(if/so that) we accumulate
(if/so that) you all accumulate
(if/so that) they accumulate
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya acumulado
I have accumulated
hayas acumulado
you have accumulated
haya acumulado
he/she/it has accumulated
hayamos acumulado
we have accumulated
hayáis acumulado
you all have accumulated
hayan acumulado
they have accumulated
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have accumulated
(if/so that) you have accumulated
(if/so that) he/she/it have accumulated
(if/so that) we have accumulated
(if/so that) you all have accumulated
(if/so that) they have accumulated
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have accumulated
(if/so that) you have accumulated
(if/so that) he/she/it have accumulated
(if/so that) we have accumulated
(if/so that) you all have accumulated
(if/so that) they have accumulated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera acumulado
I had accumulated
hubieras acumulado
you had accumulated
hubiera acumulado
he/she/it had accumulated
hubiéramos acumulado
we had accumulated
hubierais acumulado
you all had accumulated
hubieran acumulado
they had accumulated
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese acumulado
I had accumulated
hubieses acumulado
you had accumulated
hubiese acumulado
he/she/it had accumulated
hubiésemos acumulado
we had accumulated
hubieseis acumulado
you all had accumulated
hubiesen acumulado
they had accumulated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have accumulated
(if/so that) you will have accumulated
(if/so that) he/she/it will have accumulated
(if/so that) we will have accumulated
(if/so that) you all will have accumulated
(if/so that) they will have accumulated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere acumulado
I will have accumulated
hubieres acumulado
you will have accumulated
hubiere acumulado
he/she/it will have accumulated
hubiéremos acumulado
we will have accumulated
hubiereis acumulado
you all will have accumulated
hubieren acumulado
they will have accumulated
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's accumulate!
Imperative negative mood
no acumules
do not accumulate!
no acumule
let him/her/it accumulate!
no acumulemos
let us not accumulate!
no acumuléis
do not accumulate!
no acumulen
do not accumulate!

Examples of acumular

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
- Debemos especular para acumular.We must speculate to accumulate.
. Mi misión era acumular información de las actividades Maquis y luego entregarlos a su "merced".My mission was to accumulate information on Maquis activities and then deliver you into their "waiting hands."
A través de los años, he logrado acumular un cierto tesoro... y por ello tengo ciertas responsabilidades.Over the years, I've managed to accumulate something of a treasure... and the responsibilities that go with it.
Ahora, el objetivo es acumular conos.Now, the object is to accumulate cones.
Bueno, si tu vida es lo suficientemente larga comienzas a acumular cosas.Well, if you live long enough, you start to accumulate things.
También puedo soltar lo que acumulo.Also I can to loosen what I accumulate.
- Bueno, acumulas muchas cosas, sabes, incluso en la trena.- Well, you accumulate a lot of stuff, you know, even in the slammer.
Carrie, acumulas más información errada... en menos tiempo que nadie...Carrie, you can accumulate more misinformation... in a shorter time than anybody-
Es curioso todo lo que acumulas.It is so weird, the stuff you accumulate.
Lo acumulas sin que nadie se dé cuenta.You accumulate it without anyone noticing.
Supongo que, mientras acumulas datos visuales el excedente puede ser reinterpretado por tu red neural en imágenes al azar.My guess is, as you accumulate visual data, the surplus can get reinterpreted by your neural network into random images.
"Ahí es donde Baba acumula toda su riqueza."'That's where Baba's entire wealth accumulates.'
Bueno, el cerumen, vale, se acumula con un promedio de 0.01 milímetros al día.So, cerumen, right, it accumulates at a rate of .01 millimeters per day.
Debido a que tiene una memoria corta, el hombre acumula un sinnúmero de ayuda para la memoria.Because he has a short memory man accumulates countless aide-mémoires.
Después se acumula en elóbulo occipital, la víctima sufre de inconsciencia y eventualmente... muere.After it accumulates in the occipital lobe, victim suffers from unconsciousness and eventually... Death.
Dónde acumula tanta mugre...Where he accumulates such filth and grease--
Bueno, nosotros acumulamos cosas.Well, we accumulate things.
Con el paso del tiempo, acumulamos cosas sin darnos cuenta, hasta el día...As time goes by, we accumulate things without realizing, until the day...
La herencia monetaria que acumulamos para dejarle a nuestros hijos no es tan importante como el legado personal que les dejamos.The monetary inheritance that we accumulate to pass on to our children is not nearly as important as the personal legacy we pass on.
La vida no solo trata de nuestra habilidad para salir de compras, basándose en lo que ganamos y lo que acumulamos.There is more to life than being judged on your ability to shop, based on an income and what you've accumulated.
Las cosas que acumulamos en toda una vida, ¿no?The things you accumulate in a lifetime,huh?
"Las terribles incógnitas se acumulan.""The terrible ifs accumulate." Hmm?
Al mismo tiempo, los Borgia acumulan más y más enemigos.All the while, the Borgia accumulate more and more enemies.
Así que cada semana, cada año, según se acumulan las recompensas de kilometraje y los puntos de viaje del programa de fidelización el significado de hogar disminuye proporcionalmente hasta que, para algunos de nosotros, es una especie de limbo.So every week, every year, as the mileage rewards accumulate, and the travel hook-up points accrue, the meaning of home diminishes proportionately until, for some of us, it's-- it's kind of like limbo.
Bajo el asiento, donde los gérmenes se acumulan.Under the seat, where the germs accumulate.
Bud, cuando una mujer duerme, sus hormonas se acumulan, lo que significa que cuando se despierta, se enamora con el primer hombre que ve.Now, you see, Bud, when a woman sleeps her hormones accumulate, which means that when she wakes up she falls in love with the first man that she sees.
"Toda la vida acumulé recuerdos."All my life, I've accumulated memories.
Me tomó un tiempo antes de que yo acumulado la riqueza que tengo, y he hecho acumulé un poco.It took a while before I accumulated the wealth I have, and I've actually accumulated quite a bit.
Todo lo que acumulé en la vida todo por lo que trabajé duro todo eso se me arranca.Everything I accumulated in life... everything I've worked so hard for... now all that is being ripped away.
Al principio la infección fue solo causando la malabsorción, pero eventualmente, la bacteria se acumuló en la válvula cardíaca, se rompió y viajó hasta tu cerebro, lo cual causó el ataque.At first, the infection was just causing the malabsorption, but eventually, bacteria accumulated in a heart valve, broke off, and traveled to your brain, which caused the stroke.
Bien, esto es placa dental mineralizada, que se acumuló a lo largo de su vida.Uh, it's disgusting! Well, this is actually mineralised dental plaque, that accumulated over the years of his life.
Cuando estuvimos atrapados, sobreviviendo con solo agua del pozo, de dulces de menta, y hasta el momento que salí de ahí, mi auto acumuló todas estas multas que nos traen hoy aquí.And while we were stuck in that tiny little room for six days, surviving only on sink water and peppermint candies and what little bit of riot punch we had left at that point, my car accumulated the massive amount of parking tickets that brings us before you today.
Durante generaciones, la sal se acumuló y comenzó a matar los cultivos.Over generations, the salt accumulated and began to kill the crops.
El 5 de junio de 1931, el gobierno finalmente acumuló suficiente evidencia para acusar a Al Capone por 22 cargos de evasión de impuesto sobre la renta.NARRATOR: On June 5, 1931, the United States finally accumulated enough evidence to indict Al Capone on 22 counts of income tax evasion.
"Familias enteras, mujeres, ancianos, niños, "fueron muertos y pilas de cuerpos se acumularon."Whole families - women, old people, children - were killed and piles of corpses accumulated.
Así que los sedimientos de los chorros de arena se acumularon en alguna parte debajo de ese puente y entonces fueron recogidos por las rodaduras de los neumáticos del Hummer.So sediment from the sandblasting accumulated somewhere under that bridge and then got picked up in the tire treads of the Hummer.
En 1971, los Estados Unidos acumularon un déficit... mayor que el abasto de oro con el que el país contaba.In 1971, the United States accumulated deficits... greater than the supply of gold the country held.
Las cosas que llamas tecnología vieja se unieron y acumularon para crear tu "tecnovore".The things you call old technology have all been linked and accumulated to create your "technovore."
Le pareció menos gracioso cuando se acumularon más y decidieron acampar todos afuera durante la noche entera camorreando y gimiendo entre los Siete Enanos.She found it less amusing, though, when they accumulated and camped out all night quarreling and whining among the seven dwarves.
Es suave y ligera. Una señal segura de que pronto, mucha más se acumulará en esta vertiente a medida que el invierno avanza.It's soft and light, a sure sign that soon plenty more will accumulate on this slope, as winter advances.
Estoy seguro de que se acumularán recuerdos en este "Empty Centre", que no tiene nada recomendable salvo la novedad.I'm sure memories will accumulate in this "Empty Centre," which has nothing but low-priced newness to recommend it.
Las partículas se acumularán en su cámara de dilitio y, cuando vayan a velocidad factorial, sus motores estallarán.Particles will accumulate in their dilithium chamber. When they go to warp speed, their engines will explode.
El restante 10% se acumularía de impactos posteriores mucho más pequeños.The remaining 10% would accumulate from later much smaller impacts.
La sangre se acumularía y se expandiría en el espacio intracraneal hasta que algo provocara su ruptura y matara a la víctima.The blood would accumulate and expand in the intracranial space until something caused it to rupture and kill her.
Se decía que el jefe, adornado con resina y polvo de oro, saltaría dentro del agua para lavar el polvo de oro y que así este se acumularía en esa laguna, y que objetos de oro como ofrendas serían lanzadas dentro de esa laguna singular.It was said that the chief, adorned with resin and then adorned with gold dust, would jump into the water in order to wash the gold dust off, and then this gold would accumulate in that lake, and that golden objects as sacrifices would be thrown into that particular lake.
Y, por supuesto, que era nuestro amigo amigable ... volviendo a perseguirnos 18 años después ... y nos demandó por todo que habíamos acumulado ... o se se acumularía, desde el punto que lo dejamos en adelante.And of course, it was our friendly friend... coming back to haunt us 18 years later... and suing us for everything we had accumulated... or ever would accumulate, from the point that we left him, forward.
Las ventanas deben cubrirse con material negro que no acumule polvo.All the windows are to be covered with black material, a kind which does not accumulate dust.
Nadie puede esperar a subir en la jerarquía a menos que acumule conocimientos.No individual can hope to climb the hierarchy unless it accumulates knowledge.
No está permitido que este dinero se acumule en ningún momento en el hipódromo.None of this money is allowed to accumulate... at any one point around the track.
Sabré qué pensar una vez que acumule evidencias, padre.I'll know what to think once I've accumulated the evidence, Father.
Sí, dejo que el desorden se acumule por dos días y luego limpio hasta que brilla y entonces el ciclo comienza otra vez.Yeah. I let the mess accumulate for two days, and then I clean until it's sparkling. And then the cycle starts all over again.
No acumules oro, plata o bienes materiales.Do not accumulate gold, silver and earthly wealth.
¿Cuántas veces te he dicho que no acumules así la basura afuera?How many times have I told you not to let trash accumulate outside like that?
Es increible que tres personas acumulen tanto.Isn't it amazing that three people could accumulate so much stuff?
Está bien, pero deja que las secuencias se acumulen.It's liquid. Let the sequences accumulate.
Sobrevivamos lo suficiente para hacer suficientes cosas buenas y que se acumulen, o hacer suficientes sacrificios... - ...e iremos juntos al Cielo.Just survive long enough until we do enough good things and they accumulate or do enough sacrifices, and we'll all go to Heaven together.
"El dinero es trabajo acumulado""Money is accumulated labour."
"Todo el conocimiento acumulado sobre mujeres en este cuarto"."The accumulated knowledge of women in the room."
- ¿Hubo un momento crucial? - Sí. Cuando habíamos acumulado lo que pensamos que sería una gran sección de...I think when we had accumulated what we thought to be, you know, a great kind of...
A través de los ciclos la última parada de la muerte he acumulado una gran reserva de maldad.Over the cycles, the endless parade of death... I've accumulated a vast reservoir of evil.
Además, con tantas fotos que he acumulado, tengo miedo de olvidar.Also because, with all the photos I've accumulated, I might start to forget.
Así que los pájaros que comen insectos y semillas, ellos están acumulando fosfatos y su exceso sale en su estiércol.So the birds that eat insects and seeds, they're accumulating phosphates and the excess comes out in their dung.
Cada segundo que lloras su muerte los intereses se van acumulando.Every second you mourn his death the interest is accumulating.
Con Elvis solo estamos acumulando datos. Pero esperamos que haya más niños pronto... Niños mayores.With Elvis, we're just accumulating data, but we expect more children soon... older children.
Cuando eras pequeña, tus dientes definitivos se estaban desarrollando en lo profundo de tu mandíbula, acumulando isótopos específicos del ambiente donde vivías.When you were an infant, your permanent teeth were developing deep in your jaw bone, accumulating specific isotopes from the environment where you lived.
Debe estar acumulando sangre en el corazón.Could be accumulating blood in the pericardium.

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