Accumuler (to accumulate) conjugation

21 examples

Conjugation of accumuler

Present tense
I accumulate
tu accumules
you accumulate
il/elle/on accumule
he/she/it accumulates
nous accumulons
we accumulate
vous accumulez
you all accumulate
ils/elles accumulent
they accumulate
Present perfect tense
j’ai accumulé
I accumulated
tu as accumulé
you accumulated
il/elle/on a accumulé
he/she/it accumulated
nous avons accumulé
we accumulated
vous avez accumulé
you all accumulated
ils/elles ont accumulé
they accumulated
Past impf. tense
I was accumulating
tu accumulais
you were accumulating
il/elle/on accumulait
he/she/it was accumulating
nous accumulions
we were accumulating
vous accumuliez
you all were accumulating
ils/elles accumulaient
they were accumulating
Future tense
I will accumulate
tu accumuleras
you will accumulate
il/elle/on accumulera
he/she/it will accumulate
nous accumulerons
we will accumulate
vous accumulerez
you all will accumulate
ils/elles accumuleront
they will accumulate
Past perfect tense
j’avais accumulé
I had accumulated
tu avais accumulé
you had accumulated
il/elle/on avait accumulé
he/she/it had accumulated
nous avions accumulé
we had accumulated
vous aviez accumulé
you all had accumulated
ils/elles avaient accumulé
they had accumulated
Past preterite tense
I accumulated
tu accumulas
you accumulated
il/elle/on accumula
he/she/it accumulated
nous accumulâmes
we accumulated
vous accumulâtes
you all accumulated
ils/elles accumulèrent
they accumulated
Past anterior tense
j’eus accumulé
I had accumulated
tu eus accumulé
you had accumulated
il/elle/on eut accumulé
he/she/it had accumulated
nous eûmes accumulé
we had accumulated
vous eûtes accumulé
you all had accumulated
ils/elles eurent accumulé
they had accumulated
Future perfect tense
j’aurai accumulé
I will have accumulated
tu auras accumulé
you will have accumulated
il/elle/on aura accumulé
he/she/it will have accumulated
nous aurons accumulé
we will have accumulated
vous aurez accumulé
you all will have accumulated
ils/elles auront accumulé
they will have accumulated
Present subjunctive tense
que j’accumule
that I accumulate
que tu accumules
that you accumulate
qu’il/elle/on accumule
that he/she/it accumulate
que nous accumulions
that we accumulate
que vous accumuliez
that you all accumulate
qu’ils/elles accumulent
that they accumulate
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie accumulé
that I have accumulated
que tu aies accumulé
that you have accumulated
qu’il/elle/on ait accumulé
that he/she/it have accumulated
que nous ayons accumulé
that we have accumulated
que vous ayez accumulé
that you all have accumulated
qu’ils/elles aient accumulé
that they have accumulated
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que j’accumulasse
that I would accumulate
que tu accumulasses
that you would accumulate
qu’il/elle/on accumulât
that he/she/it would accumulate
que nous accumulassions
that we would accumulate
que vous accumulassiez
that you all would accumulate
qu’ils/elles accumulassent
that they would accumulate
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse accumulé
that I had accumulated
que tu eusses accumulé
that you had accumulated
qu’il/elle/on eût accumulé
that he/she/it had accumulated
que nous eussions accumulé
that we had accumulated
que vous eussiez accumulé
that you all had accumulated
qu’ils/elles eussent accumulé
that they had accumulated
Conditional mood
I would accumulate
tu accumulerais
you would accumulate
il/elle/on accumulerait
he/she/it would accumulate
nous accumulerions
we would accumulate
vous accumuleriez
you all would accumulate
ils/elles accumuleraient
they would accumulate
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais accumulé
I would have accumulated
tu aurais accumulé
you would have accumulated
il/elle/on aurait accumulé
he/she/it would have accumulated
nous aurions accumulé
we would have accumulated
vous auriez accumulé
you all would have accumulated
ils/elles auraient accumulé
they would have accumulated
Imperative mood
let's accumulate!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie accumulé
have accumulated
ayons accumulé
let's have accumulated
ayez accumulé
have accumulated

Examples of accumuler

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
- Le sang va s'accumuler à nouveau.The blood will just reaccumulate... Get out of the way, get out of the way.
- On doit spéculer pour accumuler.We must speculate to accumulate.
Au fil des années, on a tendance à accumuler des toxines.As we get older,we tend to accumulate toxins.
Aucune limite n'est posée quant a combien de travail d'autrui ils peuvent acheter, combien ils peuvent accumuler, combien d'inégalités. Tout ceci est donné maintenant.There's no limit to how much they can buy of other men's labor how much they can accumulate, how much 'inequality'- that's all given now.
C'est dingue tout ce qu'on peut accumuler dans une chambre de motel en trois mois.Yeah, uh, it's amazing how much stuff you can accumulate in a motel room over three months.
- On travaille sur le monde connu. Avec le savoir accumulé jusqu'à présent.Because we deal with known quantities, with knowledge we've accumulated up to now.
- Qu'est-ce que c'est ? - En traversant le brouillard... nous avons accumulé une charge électrique... comme le frottement de chaussures sur un tapis.- As the ship came through the fog... we accumulated an electrical charge... like a child shuffling his shoes across a carpet.
Bâtis pour résister au froid, ils ont accumulé assez de graisse, et leur plumes forment un bouclier étanche.Built to withstand the cold, they have already accumulated a layer of fat and their outer feathers act as a waterproof shield.
C'est juste bizarre qu'il ait accumulé des pas après qu'il soit mort.It's just weird that he accumulated steps after he was murdered.
C'est toi qui a ruiné le pays et accumulé les richesses dans les temples bouddhistes...You Budhists ruined our country and accumulated all the wealth...
"afin que la douleur des contractions successives ne s'accumule pas "permettant à la mère d'accoucher dans un relatif confort.""so that the pain of successive contractions does not accumulate, enabling the mother to give birth in relative comfort."
- On accumule des tas de trucs, même au gnouf.- Well, you accumulate a lot of stuff, you know, even in the slammer.
C'est délicat à dire devant vous qui m'apportez tant de choses... mais on accumule beaucoup trop au cours d'une vie.It may not be proper to say this... after all you've done, but... human beings accumulate so many things during their life.
C'est une condition génétique dans laquelle le cuivre s'accumule dans les tissus.Genetic disorder in which copper accumulates in body tissue.
Elle s'accumule exponentiellement.It accumulates by a magnitude, I don't know.
Eh bien, avec le temps vous les accumulez.Well, if you live long enough, you start to accumulate things.
Ce vaisseau a été lancé pour résoudre un mystère, pas en arrivant à une destination ultime où on répond à toutes les questions, mais en accumulant le savoir petit à petit.This ship was launched to solve a mystery, not by arriving at some ultimate destination where all the questions are answered at one time, but by accumulating knowledge bit by bit.
Les résidus chimiques à la lumière du soleil ont généré des vapeurs dans un environnement clos... accumulant lentement un gaz mortel.Chemical residue, plus sunlight created fumes in a closed environment slowly accumulating deadly gas.
Quand tu étais jeune, tes dents... permanentes se sont développées profondément dans ta mâchoire... accumulant des isotopes spécifiques à l'environnement où tu vivais.When you were an infant... your permanent teeth were developing deep in your jawbone... accumulating specific isotopes from the environment where you lived.
Tous les secrets et les mensonges qui pesaient sur ​​toi, s'accumulant...All the secrets and lies that were weighing on you, accumulating...
Ça sent le sucré et il y a des bulles de gaz s'accumulant sous la peau.Yeah, it smells sweet, and there are gas bubbles accumulating under the skin.

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