Acumular (to accumulate) conjugation

57 examples

Conjugation of acumular

Present tense
I accumulate
you accumulate
he/she accumulates
we accumulate
you all accumulate
they accumulate
Present perfect tense
tenho acumulado
I have accumulated
tens acumulado
you have accumulated
tem acumulado
he/she has accumulated
temos acumulado
we have accumulated
tendes acumulado
you all have accumulated
têm acumulado
they have accumulated
Past preterite tense
I accumulated
you accumulated
he/she accumulated
we accumulated
you all accumulated
they accumulated
Future tense
I will accumulate
you will accumulate
he/she will accumulate
we will accumulate
you all will accumulate
they will accumulate
Conditional mood
I would accumulate
you would accumulate
he/she would accumulate
we would accumulate
you all would accumulate
they would accumulate
Past imperfect tense
I used to accumulate
you used to accumulate
he/she used to accumulate
we used to accumulate
you all used to accumulate
they used to accumulate
Past perfect tense
tinha acumulado
I had accumulated
tinhas acumulado
you had accumulated
tinha acumulado
he/she had accumulated
tínhamos acumulado
we had accumulated
tínheis acumulado
you all had accumulated
tinham acumulado
they had accumulated
Future perfect tense
terei acumulado
I will have accumulated
terás acumulado
you will have accumulated
terá acumulado
he/she will have accumulated
teremos acumulado
we will have accumulated
tereis acumulado
you all will have accumulated
terão acumulado
they will have accumulated
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha acumulado
I have accumulated
tenhas acumulado
you have accumulated
tenha acumulado
he/she has accumulated
tenhamos acumulado
we have accumulated
tenhais acumulado
you all have accumulated
tenham acumulado
they have accumulated
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have accumulated
(if/so that) you will have accumulated
(if/so that) he/she will have accumulated
(if/so that) we will have accumulated
(if/so that) you all will have accumulated
(if/so that) they will have accumulated
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver acumulado
I will have accumulated
tiveres acumulado
you will have accumulated
tiver acumulado
he/she will have accumulated
tivermos acumulado
we will have accumulated
tiverdes acumulado
you all will have accumulated
tiverem acumulado
they will have accumulated
Imperative mood
let's accumulate!
Imperative negative mood
não acumules
do not accumulate!
não acumule
let him/her/it not accumulate!
não acumulemos
let us not accumulate!
não acumuleis
do not accumulate!
não acumulem
do not accumulate!

Examples of acumular

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
A meta delas é acumular grande riqueza pessoal.Their goal is to accumulate great personal wealth,
A resposta não pode ser deixada nas mãos dos homens do dinheiro, porque o seu desejo de acumular material de sucesso é talvez a razão porque entraram para o mundo do cinema.The answer cannot be left in the hands of the moneymen... for their desire to accumulate material success... is probably the reason they entered filmmaking in the first place.
A única maneira digna de acumular riqueza é pelo berço.The only dignified way to accumulate wealth is by birth.
Bem, se viveres o suficiente, começas a acumular coisas.Well, if you live long enough, you start to accumulate things.
Criou uma rede de organizações de caridade e sem fins lucrativos cujo objectivo era acumular dinheiro para uso privado, traindo...He created a network of charitable and non-profit organizations whose purpose was to accumulate cash for his private use,
Mas acumulo horas de voo.... a month. But I get to accumulate air time.
Os recortes que acumulo há mais de vinte anos apenas porque me enfureciam...the cuts that there are accumulated for more than 20 years because they cabreaban to me, outside.
Também posso libertar o que acumulo.Also I can to loosen what I accumulate.
A minha suspeita é que... como tu acumulas dados visuais, o excesso pode ser reinterpretado... pela tua rede neural em imagens aleatórias.My guess is, As you accumulate visual data, The surplus can get reinterpreted.
A neve da morte caiu e acumula-se.The snow of death falls and accumulates.
E acumula juros a cada ano que passa.And it accumulates interest with every passing year.
E agora com a sua altitude atual de mais de 2400 metros, esta bacia gigante acumula ar gelado das montanhas circundantes.And now at its present altitude of 8,000 feet, this giant bowl simply accumulates freezing air ... from the surrounding mountains.
E agora para a cadeia, quando a indignidade perversa se acumula.And now to jail, as wretched indignity accumulates.
E, além disso, há algas que crescem aqui, e tudo isso acumula-se nestes pequenos buracos e, como é negro, absorve mais o calor do Sol do que o gelo circundante.And on top of it, there's algae that grows out here and all of that stuff accumulates in these little holes, and because it's black, it absorbs the sun's heat more than the surrounding ice does.
Bem, nós acumulamos coisas.Well, we accumulate things.
Coisas que acumulamos ao longo dos anos.Stuff we've accumulated over the years.
Foi tudo o que passou, mas nesses poucos segundos acumulamos anos de memórias,That's all that's passed, But in those few seconds, We've accumulated years of memories
Nós finalmente acumulamos alguma coisa de espírito de equipa aqui.We finally accumulated something of a team vibe over there.
É incrível a quantidade de coisas que acumulamos num quarto de motel durante três meses.Yeah, uh, it's amazing how much stuff you can accumulate in a motel room over three months.
"O dinheiro é trabalho acumulado.""Money is accumulated labour."
- Houve um ponto de viragem? - Sim. Acho que quando tínhamos acumulado aquilo que julgávamos ser uma grande quantidade...I think when we had accumulated what we thought to be, you know, a great kind of...
Como é que diz o Paul? "O conhecimento acumulado...What did Paul say? "The accumulated knowledge of... the accumulated..."
Contudo, não pode ter acumulado tudo isto sozinha.However, you couldn't have accumulated all this by yourself.
Elas são tão oportunistas que nunca faltam em lucrar pelo conhecimento acumulado pelos homens através dos tempos.They are so opportunistic that they never fail to profit from the knowledge accumulated by men through the ages.
"Cristais distintos de oxalato de cálcio acumulam-se nos túbulos do rim.Distinct crystals of calcium oxalate accumulate in the tubules of the kidney.
A doença de Alzheimer ocorre quando fragmentos de proteínas anormais se acumulam no hipocampo, matando neurônios.Alzheimer's occurs when abnormal protein fragments accumulate in the hippocampus, killing neurons.
Alguns nascem com elas, outros acumulam-se.Some they're born with, some they accumulate.
Assim, ao longo de dezenas de milhares de gerações, pequenas alterações acumulam-se.Thus, over tens of thousands of generations, tiny variations accumulate.
Bud, quando uma mulher dorme, as suas hormonas acumulam-se, o que quer dizer que quando acorda, apaixona-se pelo primeiro homem que vê.Now, you see, Bud, when a woman sleeps her hormones accumulate, which means that when she wakes up she falls in love with the first man that she sees.
Durante a minha vida, acumulei recordações."All my life, I've accumulated memories.
Eu acumulei muitos objectos de grande interesse preservando a nossa herança.I have accumulated many objects of great interest preserving our heritage.
Filho, já acumulei tanta radiação durante a minha vida que, provavelmente, já era um homem morto no momento que entrei pela porta.Son, I've accumulated so many rads in my life, I was probably a dead man the moment I walked through the gate.
Resumindo, acumulei perto de 5 milhões de dólares nos últimos dois anos, negociando informações confidenciais.Long story short, I've accumulated around $5 million over the last couple years, trading on inside information.
Tudo o que acumulei na vida, tudo pelo qual trabalhei arduamente, agora tudo isso está a ser-me tirado.Everything I accumulated in life... everything I've worked so hard for... now all that is being ripped away.
Foste tu que arruinaste o país, acumulaste a riqueza no templo budista...You Budhists ruined our country and accumulated all the wealth...
"O irmão do Bob, o Future Man acumulou umas dívidas legais mas estamos a ajudá-lo a pagá-las. "Bob's brother, Future Man, has accumulated some extensive legal debts. But we're gradually helping him to pay those off.
Ao longo de gerações, o sal acumulou-se e começou a matar as colheitasOver generations, the salt accumulated and began to kill the crops.
Aqui, dependem de poços reabastecidos com água fóssil, que se acumulou no subterrâneo no tempo em que chovia nestes desertos, há 25.000 anos atrás.Here, they depend on wells replenished by fossil water, which accumulated underground from the days when it rained on these deserts. 25.000 years ago.
Através da linguagem, o Homem tem sido capaz de transmitir de geração em geração... toda a experiência que acumulou durante milhões de anos.Through language, man has been able... to pass on to succeeding generations... all the experience that has accumulated over millions of years.
Bem, então, fale, cuspa o veneno que acumulou.Well go on, add it, add it, get it out of you, once and for all in one great whine. Let's hear the poison you've accumulated.
"Famílias inteiras - mulheres, pessoas idosas, crianças - foram mortas e pilhas de corpos se acumularam."Whole families - women, old people, children - were killed and piles of corpses accumulated.
Cavalheiros, pelas minhas contas, o Black Hind e o Interpid acumularam prémios de aproximadamenteGentlemen, by my count, the Black Hind and the Intrepid have accumulated prizes totaling approximately
E esses átomos acumularam-se em vastas nuvens, afastando-se com ímpeto uns dos outros, e que um dia se iriam tornar nas galáxias.And these atoms accumulated into vast clouds rushing away from each other that would one day become the galaxies.
Elas acumularam-se em espessos depósitos de giz, ou calcário, no fundo do oceano.They accumulated in thick deposits of chalk, or limestone, on the ocean floor.
Elas se acumularam nas árvores, e ficaram concentradas nos órgãos e ossos dos animais.They've accumulated in the trees. And have become concentrated in the organs and bones of animals.
"fazendo com que a dor das sucessivas contracções não se acumule," "permitindo que a mãe dê à luz com um conforto relativo.""so that the pain of successive contractions does not accumulate, enabling the mother to give birth in relative comfort."
As janelas deverão estar coberta com material preto do tipo que não acumule pó.All the windows are to be covered with black material, a kind which does not accumulate dust.
Não acumules riquezas neste mundo.Don't accumulate riches in this world.
Não acumulem ouro, prata e riquezas terrenas.Do not accumulate gold, silver and earthly wealth.
Que os rins não estão trabalhando direito, o que faz com que toxinas se acumulem no corpo.It could mean that for some reason his kidneys aren't purifying the way they should, which would let toxins accumulate in his body.
Eles estão acumulando os goles.Your shots are accumulating.
Hubble e Humason estavam acumulando meticulosamente, as provas do Big Bang.This work was difficult, routine, tedious but although they didn't yet know it Hubble and Humason were meticulously accumulating the evidence for the big bang.
Porque está acumulando coisas que não são importantes?Why is accumulating things so damned important?
Quando eras pequena, os teus dentes permanentes Desenvolviam-se na mandíbula, acumulando isótopos específicos do ambiente em que viveste.When you were an infant, your permanent teeth were developing deep in your jaw bone, accumulating specific isotopes from the environment where you lived.
Seu corpo deve estar acumulando muito cobre.Your body might be accumulating too much copper.
Se acumulares arrependimentos, ficam marcados em ti, como feridas antigas.You accumulate regrets. And they stick to you like old bruises.
És um bocado jovem para acumulares demasiadas coisas.You're a little young to have accumulated so much stuff.

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