Transportar (to transport) conjugation

98 examples
This verb can also have the following meanings: transpose, to transpose

Conjugation of transportar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I transport
you transport
he/she/it transports
we transport
you all transport
they transport
Present perfect tense
he transportado
I have transported
has transportado
you have transported
ha transportado
he/she/it has transported
hemos transportado
we have transported
habéis transportado
you all have transported
han transportado
they have transported
Past preterite tense
I transported
you transported
he/she/it transported
we transported
you all transported
they transported
Future tense
I will transport
you will transport
he/she/it will transport
we will transport
you all will transport
they will transport
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would transport
you would transport
he/she/it would transport
we would transport
you all would transport
they would transport
Past imperfect tense
I used to transport
you used to transport
he/she/it used to transport
we used to transport
you all used to transport
they used to transport
Past perfect tense
había transportado
I had transported
habías transportado
you had transported
había transportado
he/she/it had transported
habíamos transportado
we had transported
habíais transportado
you all had transported
habían transportado
they had transported
Future perfect tense
habré transportado
I will have transported
habrás transportado
you will have transported
habrá transportado
he/she/it will have transported
habremos transportado
we will have transported
habréis transportado
you all will have transported
habrán transportado
they will have transported
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I transport
(if/so that) you transport
(if/so that) he/she/it transport
(if/so that) we transport
(if/so that) you all transport
(if/so that) they transport
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya transportado
I have transported
hayas transportado
you have transported
haya transportado
he/she/it has transported
hayamos transportado
we have transported
hayáis transportado
you all have transported
hayan transportado
they have transported
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have transported
(if/so that) you have transported
(if/so that) he/she/it have transported
(if/so that) we have transported
(if/so that) you all have transported
(if/so that) they have transported
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have transported
(if/so that) you have transported
(if/so that) he/she/it have transported
(if/so that) we have transported
(if/so that) you all have transported
(if/so that) they have transported
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera transportado
I had transported
hubieras transportado
you had transported
hubiera transportado
he/she/it had transported
hubiéramos transportado
we had transported
hubierais transportado
you all had transported
hubieran transportado
they had transported
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese transportado
I had transported
hubieses transportado
you had transported
hubiese transportado
he/she/it had transported
hubiésemos transportado
we had transported
hubieseis transportado
you all had transported
hubiesen transportado
they had transported
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have transported
(if/so that) you will have transported
(if/so that) he/she/it will have transported
(if/so that) we will have transported
(if/so that) you all will have transported
(if/so that) they will have transported
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere transportado
I will have transported
hubieres transportado
you will have transported
hubiere transportado
he/she/it will have transported
hubiéremos transportado
we will have transported
hubiereis transportado
you all will have transported
hubieren transportado
they will have transported
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's transport!
Imperative negative mood
no transportes
do not transport!
no transporte
let him/her/it transport!
no transportemos
let us not transport!
no transportéis
do not transport!
no transporten
do not transport!

Examples of transportar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
# ¿En quién vas a confiar para transportar tus mercancías?# So who can you trust to transport your goods?
- Bueno... es una manera de transportar drogas.- Well... it's a way to transport drugs.
- Caballeros, a las 1300 horas un helicóptero de la Policía de los Ángeles arribará para transportar al detenido.- Gentlemen, at 1300 hours an L.A.P.D. Helicopter will arrive to transport the defendant.
- Como palomas mensajeras es nuestro deber transportar mensajes durante las peores circunstancias.As homing pigeons it's our duty to transport messages.
- Dinero es más facil transportar.Money is easier to transport.
- Después de horas de retraso se le transporto a Kaiser y llegaron justo a tiempo para atender el paro cardiaco.(Moore) After hours of delay. She was transported to Kaiser.
Cuando bailo el tango de salón, yo, como que me transporto y que... que voy por el aire.When I dance salon Tango, I feel transported, like flying.
El estaba intentando rastrearlos cuando por accidente me transporto a RannHe was attempting to trace those when he accidentally transported me to Rann.
Ella extrajo y transporto el organo.She extracted and transported the organ.
En general, robo y transporto mercadería.Mostly I boost merch and transport cargo.
Borra los archivos de la máquina principal... luego transportas todo hasta aquí personalmente.Erase the files from the main frame there... then transport it all here personally.
De lo que estoy hablando, Sal, es que tú transportas cualquier cosa y todo en este Hyundai Sonata usado.What I'm talking about, Sal, is you transporting anything and everything in this pre-owned Hyundai Sonata.
Entonces ¿Cómo lo transportas?So, how do you transport it?
Luego, poco a poco, te transportas tú mismo allí.Then, little by little, you transport yourself there.
Si nos transportas hasta el núcleo de este planeta,If you transport us to this planet's core,
' ' Berto transporta cualquier cosa, a cualquier sitio ' ' .Berto transports anything anywhere.
Algo que transporta la materia.Something that transports matter.
Aquí, en lo alto de los Andes, esta abertura poco profunda en forma de T llamada la "Puerta de Amaru Muru", está rodeada de muchas leyendas que la describen como un portal activo que transporta seres tanto dentro como fuera de este mundo.Here, perched high in the Andes Mountains, this shallow T-shaped opening called the "Doorway of Amaru Muru," is surrounded by many legends describing it as an active portal that transports beings both into and out of this world.
Ark transporta armas,Ark transports weapons,
Atravesar la entrada de la TARDIS te transporta a otra parte del universo.Going through the TARDIS entrance actually transports you to another part of the Universe entirely.
- Solo nos transportamos nosotras. No es justo.We were the only ones transported.
- ¿Cómo lo transportamos?- How do you transport?
- ¿Y mientras lo transportamos?And while it was being transported?
Al niño lo transportamos dos veces, y aun así infectó a la Dra. Pulaski.The boy was transported twice, and still infected Dr Pulaski.
Al primer signo de peligro, lo transportamos fuera de la nave, ¿entendido?At the first sign of danger, we transport it off the ship, understood?
No sé quién es el tío al que transportáis, ni lo que ha hecho...I don't know who this guy is you're transporting, or what he's done--
Soy el hombre que os liberará de ese cofre lleno de oro que transportáis.I'm the man who's going to relieve you of that chest full of gold you are transporting.
"Como los animales que transportan no pueden expresar formalmente una queja,"The fact that the animals you transport "have no way of lodging a formal complaint,
- cuando ellos transportan.- when they transport.
200 acorazados, y sobre todo una flota excepcional de ocho portaaviones, que transportan unos 600 aviones.200 battleships, and above all, an exceptional fleet of 8 aircraft carriers, transporting nearly 600 planes.
500 millones de contenedores se transportan cada año.500 million containers are transported every year.
A los almuerzos los hacen las esposas de los hombres que trabajan... Y desde aquí se transportan a pié o en bicicleta a la estación de trenes más cercanaThey've been made by the wives of working men, and from here they are transported on foot, or by bicycle to the nearest train station.
Antes que se fueran a Warp los transporté a su Sala de Máquinas donde no molestarán a nadie.Before they went into warp, I transported the whole kit and caboodle to their Engine Room, where they'll be no tribble at all.
Durante la guerra transporté a los heridos, los muertos, mujeres, niños...During the war I transported the wounded, the dead, women, kids...
En efecto, yo las transporté allí, no tanto para mantenerlas alejadas de las manos de Megatron, sino para asegurarme de que llegaran a tus manos.Indeed, I transported them there, not so much to keep them far from Megatron's hands, but to ensure that they reach yours.
Lo transporté en ella.I transported him in the coffee can.
Los hipnoticé y los transporté a otro reino.You just got hypnotized and transported to another realm, y'all.
Creemos que transportaste sus restos en tu auto.We think you transported his remains in your car.
- transportó a la víctima...- transported the victim...
Buscar evidencia de que transportó a dos asesinos.Look for evidence you transported two murderers.
Cada parte de la comida tiene un número de puntos, según de dónde venga, cómo se transportó, si era local, de América del Sur o...Every food item has a number of points depending on where it came from, how it was transported, whether it was local or from South America or...
Creo que el hospital transportó el cuerpo equivocado.l think the hospital transported the wrong body.
Cuando quisieron apedrearnos, la Vara mágicamente nos transportó a salvo.When they tried to stone us, the staff magically transported us to safety.
Los tres nos transportasteis, pero debemos elegir uno, y elegimos..All three of you really transported us, but we have to pick one, and we picked...
Al explotar su planeta milenios atrás, se transportaron a la Tierra durante la época de Sócrates y Platón.When their planet novaed, millennia ago, they transported themselves to Earth during the time of Socrates and Plato.
Creo que lo mataron en Camerún o en el Congo lo transportaron hasta Los Ángeles, lo desmembraron, lo embalaron lo cargaron en una avioneta y tiraron lo que no podían vender.I think she was killed probably in Cameroon or Congo transported to the Port of Los Angeles. Dismembered, packaged... loaded onto a small plane. En route, they dumped what they couldn't sell but, uh, I just have to find the plane.
Creo que nos transportaron a otro planeta con un sol rojo.Looks like we've somehow been transported to a planet with a red sun.
Desde China y el Tíbet se transportaron con las caravanas de mercaderes a través de la ruta de la seda hasta el Mediterráneo.From China, and Tibet they transported themselves with the trade caravans along the silk route to the Mediterranean.
Dígame otra vez acerca de lo que recuerde de cómo la transportaron.Um, tell me again about what you remember of how they transported you.
Con su permiso, ahora me transportaré al planeta.With your permission, I will transport down.
Le transportaré de vuelta al espacio si es necesarioI will transport it back into space if necessary.
Los transportaré a bordo.l will transport you aboard.
Me transportaré a la superficie y volveré con el gobernador Vagh.I will transport to the surface and return with Governor Vagh.
A las 23:17, te transportarás al carguero Par'tok.At 2317, you will transport to the cargo vessel Par'tok.
Cuando la insertemos... el Granilito nos transportará... a casa.When we insert it the Granilith will transport us... home.
El USS Merrimack ha llegado y transportará al embajador y a su séquito a Vulcano.The USS Merrimack has arrived and will transport the Ambassador and his party to Vulcan.
El reno lo transportará.Reindeer will transport you.
El tiempo estimado de arribo del helicóptero que transportará las bombas es de quince minutos.ETA on the helicopter that will transport the bombs is 15 minutes.
Ese ascensor le transportará al Hotel, dónde, a medianoche, pasará por la azotea y...""That elevator will transport you "to the hotel, where at midnight, "you will proceed to the roof and-"
Dígales que nos transportaremos de inmediato.We will transport down to the surface immediately.
Le transportaremos tanto si lo desea como si no.We will transport you whether you come willingly or not.
Mañana en la noche, transportaremos a Kururugi Suzaku a la corte militar.Tomorrow night, we will transport Kururugi Suzaku to the military court.
Nos transportaremos hasta el Enterprise desde allí.We will transport to the Enterprise from there.
Regresa con los cubos de energía, cuando reciba las nuevas coordenadas para el puente espacial, los transportaremos a Cibertron.-Return with the energon cubes. When I receive the new coordinates for the spacebridge, we will transport them to Cybertron.
Velocípedos gigantes transportarán a 10 personas a la vez!Gigantic velocipedes will transport ten people at a time!
Lo transportaría, pero él no lo hará.It would transport him, but he won't make it.
Te transportaría, pero no irás.It would transport you, but you won't go.
Hasta que una tubería sea construida, transportaríamos el agua, reabriendo las fronteras por la línea de control.Until a pipeline is built, We would transport the water by reopening the borders Along the line of control.
" Para investigar la venta y transporte de objetos robados" ." For investigations relating to transport and sale of stolen property."
"...y ovillos enmarañados..." "...impiden el transporte microtubular..." " nutrientes en las células"."And knotty tangles mangle microtubal transports from inside the cells."
"5 buques de transporte de tropas japoneses con escolta naval... fueron vistos en la costa de Formosa dirigiéndose hacia el sur".Five Japanese troop transports with naval escort were sighted off Formosa, heading south.
"Bienvenido al Autobús Noctámbulo..." ...transporte de emergencia para el mago abandonado."Welcome to the Knight Bus emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard.
"Bravo Uno", "Bravo Uno"... "Red Fox" necesito de inmediato transporte a casa."Brave One", "Brave One"... "Red Fox" I need immediate transport for house.
""Sus transportes han sido hundidos y sus mejores tropas aniquiladas"".""All transports have been sunk and his choicest troops have been annihilated.""
"Alrededor de este hay transportes, cruceros, destructores."All around this there are transports, cruise ships, destroyers.
"Me pregunté, viendo a esa gente enfrente de los transportes,"I wondered, looking at this document showing people in public transport,
"Solo soy un capitán de transportes""Just a transport captain."
- Ahorrándose ellos los costes de transportes.Saving them the transport cost.
Buchanan quiere que transportemos a Fayed - de regreso a UTC.Buchanan wants us to transport fayed back to ctu.
Demandan que liberemos a los asociados de IRIS que están siendo interrogados... por el Departamento de Seguridad, y que los transportemos al extranjero.They're demanding that we release the IRIS associates who are being interrogated by the security department, and transport them overseas.
Hey, Arroyo quieres que lo transportemos a Central Booking?Hey, Arroyo, want us to transport him to Central Booking?
Mañana estará listo para que lo transportemos.By morning he will be ready for transport.
Nos mantendremos delante del objeto hasta que les transportemos a bordo.We'll stay ahead of the object until we transport you aboard.
"Cuiden esta casa, transporten a un sujeto, esperen a ése.""Sit on this house, transport this mope, wait for that one. "
Ahora voy a dar la señal para que transporten algo al espacio.Next, I will signal that I'm transporting something out.
Así que ahora las plantas podrían engañar a los insectos a que transporten de su polen directamente desde una planta a otra con un servicio puerta a puerta.So now plants could trick insects into transporting their pollen directly from one plant to another with a door-to-door service.
Cada vez que te transporten, cada vez que vayas al juzgado, él estará contigo.Every time you get transported, every time you go to court, he's gonna be with you.
Después de una costosa victoria en el planeta Malastare el canciller Palpatine le ordena a los caballeros Jedi Mace Windu y Anakin Skywalker que transporten a la temible bestia Zillo capturada durante la batalla de regreso a Coruscant.Following a costly victory on the planet Malastare, Chancellor Palpatine orders Jedi Knights Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker to transport a fearsome Zillo Beast captured during the battle back to Coruscant.
"es transportado por el recuerdo"... tienda de zapatos en la Avda."is transported with the recollection..." ...the manager of the Shoe Stop shoe store... on Hacienda Boulevard in La Puente.
*Me siento realmente transportado al ghetto.*I really feel transported to the ghetto.
- El gato ha sido transportado.So the cat's been transported.
- Encarcelado en la sala de hospital de la Prisión Federal de Danville hace seis meses, y después transportado aquí a Oakville hace cinco meses.- Incarcerated in the Danville Federal Prison hospital ward six months ago, and then transported here to Oakville five months ago.
- Ha sido transportado a Zamaron.- He's been transported to Zamaron.
- El hombre que estáis transportando...- The man you're transporting...
- Estamos transportando a estos tipos.We're transporting these guys.
- Están transportando algo.~ They are transporting something.
- qué es lo que estabas transportando?- what it was you were transporting?
- ¿Qué estaba transportando?- What were you transporting?

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