Transportar (to transport) conjugation

85 examples

Conjugation of transportar

Present tense
I transport
you transport
he/she transports
we transport
you all transport
they transport
Present perfect tense
tenho transportado
I have transported
tens transportado
you have transported
tem transportado
he/she has transported
temos transportado
we have transported
tendes transportado
you all have transported
têm transportado
they have transported
Past preterite tense
I transported
you transported
he/she transported
we transported
you all transported
they transported
Future tense
I will transport
you will transport
he/she will transport
we will transport
you all will transport
they will transport
Conditional mood
I would transport
you would transport
he/she would transport
we would transport
you all would transport
they would transport
Past imperfect tense
I used to transport
you used to transport
he/she used to transport
we used to transport
you all used to transport
they used to transport
Past perfect tense
tinha transportado
I had transported
tinhas transportado
you had transported
tinha transportado
he/she had transported
tínhamos transportado
we had transported
tínheis transportado
you all had transported
tinham transportado
they had transported
Future perfect tense
terei transportado
I will have transported
terás transportado
you will have transported
terá transportado
he/she will have transported
teremos transportado
we will have transported
tereis transportado
you all will have transported
terão transportado
they will have transported
Present perfect subjunctive tense
tenha transportado
I have transported
tenhas transportado
you have transported
tenha transportado
he/she has transported
tenhamos transportado
we have transported
tenhais transportado
you all have transported
tenham transportado
they have transported
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have transported
(if/so that) you will have transported
(if/so that) he/she will have transported
(if/so that) we will have transported
(if/so that) you all will have transported
(if/so that) they will have transported
Future perfect subjunctive tense
tiver transportado
I will have transported
tiveres transportado
you will have transported
tiver transportado
he/she will have transported
tivermos transportado
we will have transported
tiverdes transportado
you all will have transported
tiverem transportado
they will have transported
Imperative mood
let's transport!
Imperative negative mood
não transportes
do not transport!
não transporte
let him/her/it not transport!
não transportemos
let us not transport!
não transporteis
do not transport!
não transportem
do not transport!

Examples of transportar

Example in PortugueseTranslation in English
"Os velhos navios de guerra... "serão usados para transportar laranjas.The old warships will be used to transport oranges
- Como tem duas condenações anteriores, insiste que o esforço para transportar a heroína foi iniciativa própria e se recusa a colaborar contra outros, o Estado propõe apenas a pena máxima permitida de 20 anos, meritíssimo.- As he has two prior convictions and is insisting the effort to transport the kilo was done on his own behest, and is refusing to cooperate against others, the state is offering only the maximum allowable 20 years, Your Honour.
- Não é possível transportar-lhe.- Not possible to transport, sir.
- O Dr. Krieger desenvolveu uma maneira de transportar a cocaína - despercebidamente.Dr. Krieger has devised a way to transport the cocaine undetected.
- Preparar para transportar.Stand by to transport.
- Eu transporto a testemunha.I'll transport the witness.
E de lá, transporto-os para o Tigre.And from there, I transport them to Tigre.
Então, para arranjar dinheiro extra transporto, produtos roubados para criminosos conhecidos, mas quero mais.So for extra money, I transport stolen goods for known criminals, but I want more.
Promovo as vendas e transporto mercadoria.Mostly I boost merch and transport cargo.
Sabe que transporto dúzias de prisioneiros todos os dias.You realize I transport dozens of prisoners every day.
Tenho um mandado real... por um destes ratos de esgoto que transportas.I have a royal warrant for one of these gutter rats you're transporting.
Ainda ninguém descobriu como transporta a droga.No one can figure out how he transports his drugs!
Aqui, empoleirado no alto dos Andes, esta abertura rasa em T, chamada "Porta de Amaru Muru" está rodeada por muitas lendas que a descrevem com um portal activo, que transporta seres quer para este mundo, quer para fora deste mundo.Here, perched high in the Andes Mountains, this shallow T-shaped opening called the "Doorway of Amaru Muru," is surrounded by many legends describing it as an active portal that transports beings both into and out of this world.
Cada pérola transporta apenas uma pessoa.Each pearl transports only a single person.
E depois um correio transporta a remessa de droga para cinco sítios onde os traficantes recolhiam o produto para venderem aos clientes.And then a courier transports the drug supply to 5 drop-off points, where the dealers pick up the product and then sell it to their clients.
E uma vez por mês, a Lockheed transporta um dos seus foguetes do pentágono pelas ruas de Littleton passando diante do Liceu Columbine com destino a uma base aérea do outro lado de Denver.And once a month, Lockheed transports one of its rockets, with its Pentagon payload, through the streets of Littleton, passing nearby Columbine High School on its way to an air-force base on the other side of Denver.
Anualmente, transportamos dois mil milhões de toneladas de petróleo em petroleiros, que são as maiores construções móveis que existem.We transport two billion tons of oil every year on board our supertankers, which are the biggest mobile constructions that exist.
Até as florestas transportamos.We even transport the forests.
Enlatámos o mundo inteiro, transportamos 600 milhões de contentores, graças ao Oceano.We have canned the entire world, 600 million containers that we can transport, thanks to the ocean.
Este ciclo frio, quente, repetia-se quando transportamos o corpo para um ambiente quente e o armazenamos aqui num dos teus frigoríficos.That cold-to-hot cycle was repeated when we then transported the body in a warm environment and then stored it here in one of your freezers.
Na segunda etapa, o meu infiltrado no portão, o Sr. Ryan na Alfândega, desvia o olhar enquanto te transportamos a ti e à tua carga para o barco.Step two, my inside man at the gate, Mr. Ryan in Customs, looks the other way while we transport you and your cargo to the vessel.
"Depois deste ponto, o Sr. Wilkins voltou à nossa custódia, e o corpo da Agente Delia Semple foi transportado para o hospital à espera da autopsia. "after which point, mr. wilkins was returned to our custody and the body of agent della semple was transported to metro general, awaiting an autopsy.
"O pedido de ser transportado ao planeta dele com o homem que prendeu"His request to be transported to his planet with the man he claims prisoner
"Quem se sentar no tapete, fechar os olhos "e disser a palavra mágica 'Tangu', "talvez seja transportado pelo ar no mesmo instante.Whoever sits on this carpet, closes his eyes and says the magic word 'Tangu' may be transported through the air in an instant.
"não será transportado para ou trazido de uma qualquer outra colónia"whatever be transported to or brought from any other colony
- A única informação que temos é que ele será transportado para a base aérea de McGuire.The only information we have Is that he's being transported to mcguire air force base.
- As crianças transportam-nos para nossas infâncias .- Children transport us to our childhoods.
As crianças transportam-nos para a nossa infância.Children transport us to our childhoods.
As naves estelares não transportam carga.Starships do not transport cargo.
E a lei diz que os veículos que transportam álcool serão confiscados e vendidos em hasta pública.And law says you use a vehicle to transport alcohol, the said vehicle is confiscated to be sold at public auction.
Eles não transportam bem.They don't transport well.
- Eu próprio o transportei.- I transported him myself.
- Olá, Thor. Já transportei a sua pesquisa e os restos do Replicador de forma humana para este laboratório.I have already transported your research and the remains of the human form Replicator, to this lab.
Ah, transportei o teu avô há uns anos atrás... Um velho excêntrico e maluco que insistiu ser transportado para o interior do território dos Seides.Ah, I transported your grandfather a few years ago, an old eccentric madman who absolutely insisted on being transported deep inside Seides territory.
E disse para evitar arriscar comprometer a estrutura atómica, então transportei-o pelo ar em vez de pelo portal, ou por nave.And you did say to avoid any chances with the vial's atomic structure, so I had it transported by air as opposed to ID portal or shuttle.
Então, no maior segredo... transportei toda a população de Oompaloompas até aqui.So, in the greatest of secrecy I transported the entire population of Oompa Loompas here.
"A Ten. Uhnari se transportou à estação 47 às 18:30 horas."Lt Uhnari transported to Relay Station 47 at 1830 hours.
- Podemos provar que ele transportou os corpos no seu veículo, baseados no sangue que encontras-te.- We can prove he transported those bodies in his vehicle, based on the blood you found.
Achamos que transportou os seus restos no seu carro.We think you transported his remains in your car.
Acho que o hospital transportou o corpo errado.I think the hospital transported the wrong body.
Alguém os tirou do seu quarto, transportou-os até à cena do crime e escondeu a arma no chão antes de sair.Someone took them from his hotel room, transported them to the crime scene, and they put the gun beneath the floorboards before they left.
- Sim. Quando liguei e perguntei se eles transportaram algum Walter Beck ontem, eles perguntaram-me se era algum parente, e...When I called them and asked if they had transported a Walter Beck yesterday, they asked me if it was case-related, and...
Fale-me novamente sobre aquilo que se lembra de como eles a transportaram.Um, tell me again about what you remember of how they transported you.
Mas transportaram quatro ogivas W88 para um baía de lançamento que está a arder?But they've transported four W88 warheads into a launch bay that is currently on fire?
No passado os militares transportaram materiais perigosos e armas em camiões banais, através dos EUA.The military has, in the past, transported dangerous materials and weapons... in unmarked trucks across the country.
Os gideons transportaram o Capitão Kirk para uma réplica da Enterprise para o confundir e, para assim, o tornar susceptível a uma experiência.Obviously, the Gideons have transported Captain Kirk onto this replica of the Enterprise to so confuse his mind as to make him susceptible to some extraordinary experiment.
Elas estarão no mesmo navio que o transportará para o seu país assim que completarmos o nosso acordo financeiro.They will be on the same ship that will transport you back to your country. As soon as we have completed our financial arrangements.
Entregamos a nave ktariana à base estelar 82 e nos dirigimos a um encontro com a nave Merrimack, que transportará Wesley Crusher para a Academia da Frota Estelar.We delivered the Ktarian vessel to Star base 82 and will rendezvous with the Starship Merrimack which will transport Wesley Crusher back to Starfleet Academy.
Um dia transportará as pessoas pelo arOne day it will transport people through the air.
! Existe, é claro, o pequeno problema do transporte das tropas.There is, of course, the slight troop-transport problem.
" Para a investigaçäo do transporte e venda de bens roubados."" For investigations relating to transport and sale of stolen property."
"Até agora, como todos sabem, não existia qualquer classe de transporte público marítimo no Corvo.""Until now, as you know, there wasn't any kind of maritime public transportation in Corvo."
"Aviões de transporte Soviéticos estão na Síria... a evacuar as famílias do conselheiros militares Russos.Soviet transport planes are in Syria ...evacuating the families of Russian military advisors.
"Bem-vindo ao Autocarro Cavaleiro transporte de emergência para a bruxa ou feiticeiros apeados."Welcome to the Knight Bus emergency transport for the stranded witch or wizard.
"Conveniente para transportes públicos.""Convenient to public transportation"...
"Nunca vens cá abaixo, estás sempre encarregue dos transportes."You never come down, you're in charge of transport.
"Precisa participar no simpósio sobre os transportes em San Diego."You must attend the transport symposium in San Diego.
- Ando de transportes públicos.I take public transportation mostly.
- Assistente chefe de transportes, ou algo assim.Yeah, you're assistant chief transportation officer or something.
Recomendo que a transportemos para fora do planeta o mais rápido possível.I recommend that we transport it off the planet as soon as possible.
"Vigiem a casa, transportem este tipo, esperem por aquele.""Sit on this house, transport this mope, wait for that one. "
Exigimos que nos transportem já.We demand you transport us at once.
Os túneis permitem que eles transportem os criminalmente loucos.The tunnels let them transport the criminally insane.
Pedirei às autoridades bajorianas que a transportem para interrogá-la.l'll ask the Bajoran authorities to transport her here for questioning.
Por favor, transportem todos os prisioneiros...WOMAN (over P.A.): Please have all the transport prisoners... (buzzer sounds)
9-Tom King transportando presos para o Supremo.This is 9-Tom King transporting inmates to Superior.
A tripulação da Denver é de 23 pessoas, mas estavam transportando a 517 colonos ao setor Beloti.The Denver's crew complement is 23, but they were transporting 517 colonists to the Beloti Sector.
As Agulhas são varridas para sul na direção do Cabo, transportando cem biliões de litros de água quente todos os dias.The Agulhas sweeps south towards the Cape, transporting 100 billion gallons of warm water every day.
As únicas pessoas nesta carruagem são servas minhas transportando o coração do nosso falecido Rei para a Basílica de S. Dinis.The only people in this carriage are my servants, transporting the heart of our late king to the Basilica at Saint-Denis.
E que material está transportando?And what material you're transporting in these?
Depois de uma vitória custosa no planeta Malastare, o Chanceler Palpatine ordena aos Cavaleiros Jedi Mace Windu e Anakin Skywalker para transportarem uma temível fera Zillo capturada durante a batalha de volta a Coruscant.Chancellor Palpatine orders Jedi Knights Mace Windu and Anakin Skywalker to transport a fearsome Zillo beast captured during the battle back to Coruscant.
E a pintar... especialmente grandes toldos... e para se protegerem da luz usando espelhos e transportarem água dum sitio para o outro.And to paint-- especially huge canvasses-- and to harness light using mirrors and transport water from one place to another.
Eles. eles nem sabem como transportarem as próprias coisas, e tu sabes disso.They-they don't even know how to transport their stuff and you know it.
Não têm líderes, porque cada homem é um é líder. Graças à sua tecnologia... podem alimentar-se, vestir-se, terem casas, transportarem-se... igualitariamente e sem esforço.Because of their technology they're able to feed, clothe, house and transport themselves equally and with no effort.
O assistente do legista está atrasado quatro horas e nós estamos presas aqui até transportarem o corpo, e eu não ouvi nada sobre o Grisson.The Assistant Coroner is four hours late and we are stuck out here until he transports the body, and I haven't even heard from Grissom.
David, posso ajudar-te a raspá-los para os transportares até à morgue.David, I can help you chip them out for transport back to the morgue. That would be great.
Eu pedi-te para transportares as mercadorias para o Vietname.I asked you to transport goods to Vietnam.
Preciso de ti aqui para transportares o grupo ciencista.Yeah, I need you here to transport the science team, Frank.
Sentencio-te a transportares a vida toda, valha ela o que valer, nas minas de enxofre na ilha da Sicília.I sentence you to transportation for life, whatever that's worth to the sulphur mines on the island of Sicily.
Vou deter-te por transportares bebidas alcoólicas entre estados sem as devidas licenças.Well, placing' you under arrest for transporting' alcoholic beverages across state lines without the proper permits.
Após transportarmos o que precisamos, deixaremos o vosso mundo em paz.When we have transported all we need, we will leave your world in peace.
Se nos transportarmos para o buffer e pronto para nos transportar para o planeta, e colocar o campo de dilatação temporal para se desactivar com tempo, a corrente de matéria não tem tempo suficiente para sair completamente do bufferIf we beam ourselves into the buffer, ready to transport down to the planet, and set the time-dilation field to deactivate on a timer, the matter stream still doesn't have enough time to fully exit the buffer
Se o transportarmos agora, ele morre.To transport him now, he will die.
Tentaremos adiantar-nos ao objecto, até o transportarmos para bordo.We'll stay ahead of the object until we transport you aboard.
Não me parece que transportassem narcóticos.{pos(192,220)}Doesn't look like they were transporting narcotics.

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