Transporter (to transport) conjugation

25 examples

Conjugation of transporter

Present tense
je transporte
I transport
tu transportes
you transport
il/elle/on transporte
he/she/it transports
nous transportons
we transport
vous transportez
you all transport
ils/elles transportent
they transport
Present perfect tense
j’ai transporté
I transported
tu as transporté
you transported
il/elle/on a transporté
he/she/it transported
nous avons transporté
we transported
vous avez transporté
you all transported
ils/elles ont transporté
they transported
Past impf. tense
je transportais
I was transporting
tu transportais
you were transporting
il/elle/on transportait
he/she/it was transporting
nous transportions
we were transporting
vous transportiez
you all were transporting
ils/elles transportaient
they were transporting
Future tense
je transporterai
I will transport
tu transporteras
you will transport
il/elle/on transportera
he/she/it will transport
nous transporterons
we will transport
vous transporterez
you all will transport
ils/elles transporteront
they will transport
Past perfect tense
j’avais transporté
I had transported
tu avais transporté
you had transported
il/elle/on avait transporté
he/she/it had transported
nous avions transporté
we had transported
vous aviez transporté
you all had transported
ils/elles avaient transporté
they had transported
Past preterite tense
je transportai
I transported
tu transportas
you transported
il/elle/on transporta
he/she/it transported
nous transportâmes
we transported
vous transportâtes
you all transported
ils/elles transportèrent
they transported
Past anterior tense
j’eus transporté
I had transported
tu eus transporté
you had transported
il/elle/on eut transporté
he/she/it had transported
nous eûmes transporté
we had transported
vous eûtes transporté
you all had transported
ils/elles eurent transporté
they had transported
Future perfect tense
j’aurai transporté
I will have transported
tu auras transporté
you will have transported
il/elle/on aura transporté
he/she/it will have transported
nous aurons transporté
we will have transported
vous aurez transporté
you all will have transported
ils/elles auront transporté
they will have transported
Present subjunctive tense
que je transporte
that I transport
que tu transportes
that you transport
qu’il/elle/on transporte
that he/she/it transport
que nous transportions
that we transport
que vous transportiez
that you all transport
qu’ils/elles transportent
that they transport
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie transporté
that I have transported
que tu aies transporté
that you have transported
qu’il/elle/on ait transporté
that he/she/it have transported
que nous ayons transporté
that we have transported
que vous ayez transporté
that you all have transported
qu’ils/elles aient transporté
that they have transported
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je transportasse
that I would transport
que tu transportasses
that you would transport
qu’il/elle/on transportât
that he/she/it would transport
que nous transportassions
that we would transport
que vous transportassiez
that you all would transport
qu’ils/elles transportassent
that they would transport
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse transporté
that I had transported
que tu eusses transporté
that you had transported
qu’il/elle/on eût transporté
that he/she/it had transported
que nous eussions transporté
that we had transported
que vous eussiez transporté
that you all had transported
qu’ils/elles eussent transporté
that they had transported
Conditional mood
je transporterais
I would transport
tu transporterais
you would transport
il/elle/on transporterait
he/she/it would transport
nous transporterions
we would transport
vous transporteriez
you all would transport
ils/elles transporteraient
they would transport
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais transporté
I would have transported
tu aurais transporté
you would have transported
il/elle/on aurait transporté
he/she/it would have transported
nous aurions transporté
we would have transported
vous auriez transporté
you all would have transported
ils/elles auraient transporté
they would have transported
Imperative mood
let's transport!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie transporté
have transported
ayons transporté
let's have transported
ayez transporté
have transported

Examples of transporter

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
"On pourrait croire qu'un véhicule utilisé pour transporter des animaux"you would think a vehicle made expressly "for the transportation of animals
"avant de me transporter aux côtes""before transporting me to the shore"
- "Une tyrolienne utilisée "pour transporter de délicieux gâteaux apéro et autre d'un endroit à un autre."A zip line pulley system used to transport... deliciously flavored snacks and such from one location to another.
- Avec les règlements internationaux, la Compagnie, ..sous le contrôle de l'Etat, ne peut plus transporter d'armes.With international regulations such as they are, the Company, under the control of the State, can no longer transport weapons.
- Bennett a une intoxication, alors tu vas transporter un prisonnier aux Glades.Bennett has food poisoning, so you're gonna transport a prisoner to Glades.
"Après quoi, M. Wilkins est retourné en détention. Et le corps de l'agent Delia Semple a été transporté au Métro Général pour une autopsie."after which point, mr. wilkins was returned to our custody and the body of agent della semple was transported to metro general, awaiting an autopsy.
"Je me suis senti "comme si j'avais été transporté à l'époque médiévale en Europe.""I felt like I'd been transported back to medieval times."
"Le célèbre artiste Morton a été congelé dans un bloc de glace il est mis dans un train maintenant et transporté à Philadelphie."The famous escape artist Morton has been frozen in a block of ice..." "...and is now loaded onto a train and transported to Philadelphia."
- Axe Cop est apparu avant que le porc ne soit servi et m'a transporté ici.- Axe Cop showed up right before the pork was coming out and transported me here?
- Il a toujours transporté des armes, n'est-ce pas?But he's always transported weapons, hasn't he?
"Quelle merveille que la littérature ". eerivais-ie. "Elle nous transporte dans l'inconnu !"I wrote in my diary, "What a wonderful thing is literature transporting us to realms unknown. "
- Ce qu'on transporte, - tu sais ce que c'est ?Cargo we're transporting for Ravenwood -- you have any idea what it is?
- Ce vaisseau transporte des prisonniers.- This ship is a prison transport.
- Comme un fourgon, mais en train. Et il transporte les liquidités de la ville - au dépôt central, en centre ville.It's like an armored car, but, you know, a train, and it transports the city's cash intake to central deposit downtown.
- Il transporte l'arme.He's transporting the weapon.
"Comme les animaux que vous transportez ne peuvent pas se plaindre,"The fact that the animals you transport "have no way of lodging a formal complaint,
"Surveillez ce hangar, transportez ci, attendez ça.""Sit on this house, transport this mope, wait for that one."
- Que transportez-vous ?I have green card. - What are you transporting?
Celui qui va vous délester de l'or que vous transportez.I'm the man who's going to relieve you of that chest full of gold you are transporting.
Comment le transportez-vous ?So how do you transport it?
Certains grands travaux ont conduit la police vers un conducteur de camion poubelle de la ville,Ronald Underwood transportant de la drogue illégale que nous avons connecté au gangster irlandais Hugh Killian, et ensuite au Conseiller Ronin Gibbons.Some great police work led to city trash truck driver Ronald Underwood transporting illegal drugs; which we connected to Irish mobster Hugh Killian, and then to Alderman Ronin Gibbons.
Ces gars se font plus de fric en convoyant une fille qu'en transportant des pommes pendant un an.These guys make more money transporting one girl than they do hauling apples across the interstate in a year.
Chercher les chariots sous escorte transportant du minerai d'alun.Look for wagons under escort transporting alum ore.
Et, comme c'est Crunch, un voleur déjà condamné, transportant une œuvre sans papier ils vont appeler la galerie tout de suite, pour s'assurer que ce n'est pas volé.And, because it's Crunch, convicted art thief, transporting art without the proper paperwork, they're gonna call the gallery where it was purchased right away, to make sure that it's not stolen.
Ici l'unité 547, transportant le patient à Foxtrot (F) Mike (M)This is unit 547, transporting patient to foxtrot Mike.

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