Fauciller (to cut) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of fauciller

Present tense
je faucille
I cut
tu faucilles
you cut
il/elle/on faucille
he/she/it cuts
nous faucillons
we cut
vous faucillez
you all cut
ils/elles faucillent
they cut
Present perfect tense
j’ai faucillé
I cut
tu as faucillé
you cut
il/elle/on a faucillé
he/she/it cut
nous avons faucillé
we cut
vous avez faucillé
you all cut
ils/elles ont faucillé
they cut
Past impf. tense
je faucillais
I was cutting
tu faucillais
you were cutting
il/elle/on faucillait
he/she/it was cutting
nous faucillions
we were cutting
vous faucilliez
you all were cutting
ils/elles faucillaient
they were cutting
Future tense
je faucillerai
I will cut
tu faucilleras
you will cut
il/elle/on faucillera
he/she/it will cut
nous faucillerons
we will cut
vous faucillerez
you all will cut
ils/elles faucilleront
they will cut
Past perfect tense
j’avais faucillé
I had cut
tu avais faucillé
you had cut
il/elle/on avait faucillé
he/she/it had cut
nous avions faucillé
we had cut
vous aviez faucillé
you all had cut
ils/elles avaient faucillé
they had cut
Past preterite tense
je faucillai
I cut
tu faucillas
you cut
il/elle/on faucilla
he/she/it cut
nous faucillâmes
we cut
vous faucillâtes
you all cut
ils/elles faucillèrent
they cut
Past anterior tense
j’eus faucillé
I had cut
tu eus faucillé
you had cut
il/elle/on eut faucillé
he/she/it had cut
nous eûmes faucillé
we had cut
vous eûtes faucillé
you all had cut
ils/elles eurent faucillé
they had cut
Future perfect tense
j’aurai faucillé
I will have cut
tu auras faucillé
you will have cut
il/elle/on aura faucillé
he/she/it will have cut
nous aurons faucillé
we will have cut
vous aurez faucillé
you all will have cut
ils/elles auront faucillé
they will have cut
Present subjunctive tense
que je faucille
that I cut
que tu faucilles
that you cut
qu’il/elle/on faucille
that he/she/it cut
que nous faucillions
that we cut
que vous faucilliez
that you all cut
qu’ils/elles faucillent
that they cut
Present perf. subjunctive tense
que j’aie faucillé
that I have cut
que tu aies faucillé
that you have cut
qu’il/elle/on ait faucillé
that he/she/it have cut
que nous ayons faucillé
that we have cut
que vous ayez faucillé
that you all have cut
qu’ils/elles aient faucillé
that they have cut
Imperfect subjunctive tense
que je faucillasse
that I would cut
que tu faucillasses
that you would cut
qu’il/elle/on faucillât
that he/she/it would cut
que nous faucillassions
that we would cut
que vous faucillassiez
that you all would cut
qu’ils/elles faucillassent
that they would cut
Past perfect subjunctive tense
que j’eusse faucillé
that I had cut
que tu eusses faucillé
that you had cut
qu’il/elle/on eût faucillé
that he/she/it had cut
que nous eussions faucillé
that we had cut
que vous eussiez faucillé
that you all had cut
qu’ils/elles eussent faucillé
that they had cut
Conditional mood
je faucillerais
I would cut
tu faucillerais
you would cut
il/elle/on faucillerait
he/she/it would cut
nous faucillerions
we would cut
vous faucilleriez
you all would cut
ils/elles faucilleraient
they would cut
Conditional perfect tense
j’aurais faucillé
I would have cut
tu aurais faucillé
you would have cut
il/elle/on aurait faucillé
he/she/it would have cut
nous aurions faucillé
we would have cut
vous auriez faucillé
you all would have cut
ils/elles auraient faucillé
they would have cut
Imperative mood
let's cut!
Past perfect imperative mood
aie faucillé
have cut
ayons faucillé
let's have cut
ayez faucillé
have cut

Examples of fauciller

Example in FrenchTranslation in English
Il a besoin d'une bonne coupe de cheveux... et j'aimerais lui en donner une... avec un marteau et une faucille.He could use a haircut... and I'd like to give it to him myself... with a hammer and sickle.
Langue coupée, tué avec une faucille et pendu.Tongue cut out, killed with a sickle and strung up.
On lui a coupé la gorge avec une faucille.Somebody cut his throat with a sickle.
Pas un squelette avec une faucille.Not a skeleton with a grass-cutter.
Quand les fermiers n'ont plus eu le droit de porter des armes, ils s'en servaient comme faucille pour couper le riz.When farmers were forbidden to own weapons, they developed this from a sickle used to cut rice.

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