Minum (to drink) conjugation

5 examples

Conjugation of minum

Present tense
I drink
Past tense
sudah minum
I drank
Present perfect tense
sudah minum
I have drunk
Future perfect tense
akan sudah minum
I will have drunk
Future recent tense
minum nanti
I will drink
Future distant tense
minum kelak
I am going to drink
Present continuous tense
sedang minum
I drink
Past distant tense
dulu minum
I (a long time ago) drank
Past recent tense
minum tadi
I (recently) drank
Past very recent tense
baru saja minum
I (just now) drank

Examples of minum

Example in IndonesianTranslation in English
Coba minum segelas air ini dengan menunduk.Try to drink this glass of water in my way.
Babe, kenapa kau minum tequila di siang hari?Babe, why are you drinking tequila at noon?
Tidak, kau tahu aku tidak minum bir.Nah, you know I don't drink beer mate.
Mau temani aku minum, Fred?Stand me to a drink, Fred? Yeah.
Dia berhenti minum dan ngobat dan main cewek, berdamai dengan kakaknya, dan pulang ke rumah untuk membantu usaha keluarga. / Anak yang boros.He gave up the drink and the drugs And the gallivanting, Made peace with his brother

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