Trencar (to break) conjugation

49 examples

Conjugation of trencar

Present tense
I break
you break
he/she breaks
we break
you all break
they break
Present perfect tense
he trencat
I have broken
has trencat
you have broken
ha trencat
he/she has broken
hem trencat
we have broken
heu trencat
you all have broken
han trencat
they have broken
Future tense
I will break
you will break
he/she will break
we will break
you all will break
they will break
Conditional mood
I would break
you would break
he/she would break
we would break
you all would break
they would break
Past perfect tense
havia trencat
I had broken
havies trencat
you had broken
havia trencat
he/she had broken
havíem trencat
we had broken
havíeu trencat
you all had broken
havien trencat
they had broken
Past impf. tense
I was breaking
you were breaking
he/she was breaking
we were breaking
you all were breaking
they were breaking
Imperative mood
let him/her break!
let's break!
let them break!
Imperative negative mood
no trenquis
don't break!
no trenqui
don't let him/her break!
no trenquem
let's not break!
no trenqueu
don't break!
no trenquin
don't let them break!
Conditional perfect tense
hauria trencat
I would have broken
hauries trencat
you would have broken
hauria trencat
he/she would have broken
hauríem trencat
we would have broken
hauríeu trencat
you all would have broken
haurien trencat
they would have broken
Future perfect tense
hauré trencat
I will have broken
hauràs trencat
you will have broken
haurà trencat
he/she will have broken
haurem trencat
we will have broken
haureu trencat
you all will have broken
hauren trencat
they will have broken
Preterite past tense
I broke
you broke
he/she broke
we broke
you all broke
they broke
Past anterior tense
haguí trencat
I had broken
hagueres trencat
you had broken
hagué trencat
he/she had broken
haguérem trencat
we had broken
haguéreu trencat
you all had broken
haguéren trencat
they had broken
Subjunctive of present tense
(so that I) break
(so that you) break
(so that he/she) breaks
(so that we) break
(so that you all) break
(so that they) break
Subjunctive of imperfect tense
(so that I) was breaking
(so that you) were breaking
(so that he/she) was breaking
(so that we) were breaking
(so that you all) were breaking
(so that they) were breaking
Subjunctive of present perfect tense
hagi trencat
(so that I) have broken
hagis trencat
(so that you) have broken
hagi trencat
(so that he/she) has broken
hàgim trencat
(so that we) have broken
hàgiu trencat
(so that you all) have broken
hagin trencat
(so that they) have broken
Subjunctive of past perfect tense
hagués trencat
(so that I) had broken
haguessis trencat
(so that you) had broken
hagués trencat
(so that he/she) had broken
haguéssim trencat
(so that we) had broken
haguéssiu trencat
(so that you all) had broken
haguessin trencat
(so that they) had broken
Subjunctive of periphastic past perfect tense
vagi trencar
(so that I) broke
vagis trencar
(so that you) broke
vagi trencar
(so that he/she) broke
vàgim trencar
(so that we) broke
vàgiu trencar
(so that you all) broke
vagin trencar
(so that they) broke
Periphastic past tense
vaig trencar
I broke
vas trencar
you broke
va trencar
he/she broke
vam trencar
we broke
vau trencar
you all broke
van trencar
they broke
Periphastic past anterior tense
vaig haver trencat
I had broken
vas haver trencat
you had broken
va haver trencat
he/she had broken
vam haver trencat
we had broken
vau haver trencat
you all had broken
van haver trencat
they had broken

Examples of trencar

Example in CatalanTranslation in English
L'IEE busca trencar el cercle de la delinqüència oferint una oportunitat a homes i dones que sovint són rebutjats per la societat.The IEE seeks to break the cycle of repeat-offending by offering a chance to men and women who are often turned down by society.
Els mitjans socials tenen un paper fonamental en l’impuls del debat públic a la Xina en trencar l’ocultació d’informació sistemàtica.Social media play a major role boosting public discussion in China by breaking systematic cover ups.
Però podria el procés cap a la independència trencar aquestes dinàmiques sistèmiques que han dominat Espanya des de finals dels anys 70?But could an independent Catalonia lead to the break-up of the establishment dynamics that have dominated Spain since the late-1970s?
França havia decidit trencar amb el seu paper de “policia de l’Àfrica” negant-se a intervenir de nou a la República Centreafricana, on François Bozizé (antic cap de les armades que va arribar al poder amb un cop d’estat que va destituir el president escollit Ange-Félix Patassé el 15 de març) fa front a una rebel·lió .France had decided to break with his role as "policeman of Africa" by refusing to intervene again in the Central African Republic where François Bozizé (former army chief who came to power by overthrowing the elected president Ange-Félix Patassé on March 15, 2003) faced a rebellion uprising.
Les traduccions ens permeten trencar aquelles barreres lingüístiques i anar més enllà, aplanar el camí perquè tothom tingui accès a informació de primera mà.Translations allow us to break those language barriers and go further, paving the way so that everyone has access to firsthand information.
Si li dius al Sr. Brooks, et trenco el coll. –No l’hi diré. –Demà te'n portaré més.If you tell Mr. Brooks, I'll break your neck. –I won't. –I'll have more tomorrow.
Que trenco juraments, dius!?Oathbreaker, is it?!
Si li dius al Sr. Brooks, et trenco el coll.If you tell Mr. Brooks, I'll break your neck.
Si es mou, l'hi trenco el coll.You move, I'm gonna break your neck.
Que trenco juraments, dius!Oathbreaker, is it? !
Si no m'hi deixes anar, trenques l'esmena CooperlChurch.You impede me, you're breaking the Cooper/Church Amendment!
Em trenques el cor.You're breaking my heart.
Per què no em trenques la cara?Why not break my face?
Si trenques alguna cosa, la septa demanarà el meu cap.You break anything, the septa will have my head.
Collons, Johnny, em trenques el cor.Goddamn it, Johnny, you're breaking my heart, I'm telling you.
Cada vegada que el deixo anar, la consciencia em puny de allo més; i cada vegada que l'aporrino el cor se'm trenca.Every time I let him off, my conscience does hurt me so, and every time I hit him my old heart most breaks.
"Se'm trenca el cor quan penso els anys que fa que no et veig, però el Dr. Michelle, el vell esgarriacries, diu que la meva salut no resistiria un viatge transatlàntic."It breaks my heart that I've not been able to see you these years, but Doctor Michel, the old crab, still says it would be fatal for me to make an ocean voyage.
Si aquesta bateria es trenca, l' àcid destruirà el seu vestit espacial.If that battery breaks, the acid will destroy your spacesuit.
Si no, sabries que si una pedra cau damunt de l’ou, es trenca l’ou. I si l’ou... l’ou...You'd know that stone falls on egg, breaks egg and egg which... an egg which falls...
- S'em trenca el cor!- It breaks my heart!
Si trenquem el nostre vincle, ningú tornarà a contractar mai als Cabalers.If we break our bond, no one will hire the Second Sons again.
Però atès que aquest any trenquem amb la tradició, començarem amb la meva favorita personalment.But since we're breaking with tradition this year, let's begin with my personal favorite.
El captiu havia trencat l'estalagmita, i havia posat damunt el socot una pedra, on tenia obrada una mica de concavitat, per recollir la preciosa gota que queia una vegada cada vint minuts amb la paorosa regularitat d'un so de rellotge: una cullaradeta petita cada vint-i- quatre hores.The captive had broken off the stalagmite, and upon the stump had placed a stone, wherein he had scooped a shallow hollow to catch the precious drop that fell once in every three minutes with the dreary regularity of a clock-tick--a dessertspoonful once in four and twenty hours.
Aquest sistema polític està trencat.This political system is broken.
Tinc el cor trencat i no puc parar de plorar.My heart is broken and tears keep falling down.
M'ha trencat el cor veure com tracta el "sistema judicial" dels EAU a aquestes dones tan valentes i inspiradores de Filipines, Índia, Nigèria, Rússia, Uganda, Bangladesh, Síria, etc.I will be forever heartbroken by the treatment of these inspiring and courageous women from the Philippines, India, Nigeria, Russia, Uganda, Bangladesh, Syria etc at the hands of the U.A.E. 'Justice System'.
Tot aquest enrenou per un turmell trencat.All this fuss for a broken ankle.
Si us plau, no us trenqueu l'esquena per mi.Please do not break your back on my account.
Com les ones trenquen a la sorra, com una tempesta que esclatarà en qualsevol moment, ... ...Like the waves crash on the sand Like a storm that'll break any second
Tots dos sabem que ella té uns forts antecedents de sentir-se atreta per paios perillosos, que trenquen les regles.We both know that she has a pretty strong track record of being attracted to guys who are dangerous, who break the rules.
Com les ones trenquen a la sorra, com una tempesta que esclatarà en qualsevol moment, Hi ha fam a la regió, hi ha un compte que espera ser pagat I serà l'infern per pagar Al final del dia.Like the waves crash on the sand Like a storm that'll break any second There's a hunger in the land There's a reckoning still to be reckoned
Les coses es trenquen, però encara poden créixer.Things break, but they can still grow.
Les parelles es trenquen.Yeah, well, couples break up.
Mira, si tenen el teu pes correcte, se't trencarà el coll com ha de ser.Look, they get your weight right, your neck will break like it's supposed to.
A més... la teva pèrdua em trencaria el cor.Also your loss would break my heart.
Digues-me sentimental, tou o poruc, però si us plau no em demanis que trenqui el cor d'aquesta pobra dona.I guess I'm a sentimental old fool but don't ask me to deliberately break that poor old woman's heart.
- Això. Digues-me sentimental, tou o poruc, però si us plau no em demanis que trenqui el cor d'aquesta pobra dona.I guess I'm a sentimental old fool, but please don't ask me to deliberately break that poor old woman's heart.
Mostra'm a algú més perillós que trenqui les regles que l'encaputxat.Show me a more dangerous rule breaker than the Hood.
I ara pretens que trenqui un altre jurament sagrat.Now you want me to break another sacred vow.
No li trenquis el cor a un germà per una màquina.- I said no Mr. Tourist. Don't break your brothers heart because of a machine.
Vull que els trenquis.I want you to break 'em.
No es pot permetre que els veïns de Nagaland, filmats per Conservation India, capturin falcons Amur, els trenquin les ales, els destriïn i els venguin, i tot per propòsits purament comercials.The local people filmed by Conservation India catching Amur falcons, breaking their wings, sorting them, smoking them, and trading in them, cannot possibly enjoy this annual activity and do this purely for money and trade goods.
Espero que aquesta vegada els vells ritualistes et trenquin el crani!Hopefully this time the old ritualists will break you scull!
Si ets tu, Tommy Salami, truco al meus cosins que et trenquin les cames. T'ho juro per Déu.If this is you again Tommy salami I'm going to call my cousins to break your legs, I swear to God!
Mentre l'èxit Gangnam Style de Psy aconseguia la fita dels mil milions de visites a Youtube, trencant tots els rècords virals, vam cobrir les reaccions desde Corea del Sud a l'inesperal èxit del pop coreà.While Psy's Gangnam Style hit the 1 billion view mark on YouTube, breaking all viral records, we covered reactions from South Korea about the unexpected global success of Korean-Pop.
El periodista Dmitri Olshansky es lamentava de la situació de la nació, escrivint al seu Facebook: «pobra, pobra Rússia, sempre passa el mateix», en relació a un informe de, que afirma que alguns habitants de Txeliàbinsk estan trencant les finestres de les seves cases per tal de tenir dret a la indemnització que es donarà a les víctimes afectades pel meteorit.Journalist Dmitri Olshansky lamented the state of the nation, writing on Facebook, "poor, poor Russia, it's always the same thing," in connection to a report by that claims some Chelyabinsk residents are breaking their own windows to qualify for state compensation awaiting meteorite victims.
En definitiva, crec que estem trencant amb les antigues estructures narratives que ens reduïen a conflictes simplificats.I definitely believe we are breaking away from the old narrative structures that reduced us to simplified conflicts.
-Estan trencant la seva ment.- They're breaking into his mind.
És igual, estem trencant les normes.I'm breaking all the rules now anyway.

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