Quebrantar (to break) conjugation

76 examples

Conjugation of quebrantar

Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present tense
I break
you break
he/she/it breaks
we break
you all break
they break
Present perfect tense
he quebrantado
I have broken
has quebrantado
you have broken
ha quebrantado
he/she/it has broken
hemos quebrantado
we have broken
habéis quebrantado
you all have broken
han quebrantado
they have broken
Past preterite tense
I broke
you broke
he/she/it broke
we broke
you all broke
they broke
Future tense
I will break
you will break
he/she/it will break
we will break
you all will break
they will break
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Conditional mood
I would break
you would break
he/she/it would break
we would break
you all would break
they would break
Past imperfect tense
I used to break
you used to break
he/she/it used to break
we used to break
you all used to break
they used to break
Past perfect tense
había quebrantado
I had broken
habías quebrantado
you had broken
había quebrantado
he/she/it had broken
habíamos quebrantado
we had broken
habíais quebrantado
you all had broken
habían quebrantado
they had broken
Future perfect tense
habré quebrantado
I will have broken
habrás quebrantado
you will have broken
habrá quebrantado
he/she/it will have broken
habremos quebrantado
we will have broken
habréis quebrantado
you all will have broken
habrán quebrantado
they will have broken
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Present subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I break
(if/so that) you break
(if/so that) he/she/it break
(if/so that) we break
(if/so that) you all break
(if/so that) they break
Present perfect subjunctive tense
haya quebrantado
I have broken
hayas quebrantado
you have broken
haya quebrantado
he/she/it has broken
hayamos quebrantado
we have broken
hayáis quebrantado
you all have broken
hayan quebrantado
they have broken
Past imperfect subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I have broken
(if/so that) you have broken
(if/so that) he/she/it have broken
(if/so that) we have broken
(if/so that) you all have broken
(if/so that) they have broken
Past imperfect subjunctive (second) tense
(if/so that) I have broken
(if/so that) you have broken
(if/so that) he/she/it have broken
(if/so that) we have broken
(if/so that) you all have broken
(if/so that) they have broken
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Past perfect subjunctive tense
hubiera quebrantado
I had broken
hubieras quebrantado
you had broken
hubiera quebrantado
he/she/it had broken
hubiéramos quebrantado
we had broken
hubierais quebrantado
you all had broken
hubieran quebrantado
they had broken
Past perfect subjunctive (second) tense
hubiese quebrantado
I had broken
hubieses quebrantado
you had broken
hubiese quebrantado
he/she/it had broken
hubiésemos quebrantado
we had broken
hubieseis quebrantado
you all had broken
hubiesen quebrantado
they had broken
Future subjunctive tense
(if/so that) I will have broken
(if/so that) you will have broken
(if/so that) he/she/it will have broken
(if/so that) we will have broken
(if/so that) you all will have broken
(if/so that) they will have broken
Future perfect subjunctive tense
hubiere quebrantado
I will have broken
hubieres quebrantado
you will have broken
hubiere quebrantado
he/she/it will have broken
hubiéremos quebrantado
we will have broken
hubiereis quebrantado
you all will have broken
hubieren quebrantado
they will have broken
Él/ell(a/o)/ Usted
Imperative mood
let's break!
Imperative negative mood
no quebrantes
do not break!
no quebrante
let him/her/it break!
no quebrantemos
let us not break!
no quebrantéis
do not break!
no quebranten
do not break!

Examples of quebrantar

Example in SpanishTranslation in English
A veces tienes que quebrantar la ley para proteger la ley.Sometimes you've got to break the law to protect the law.
Bastardo sádico y quería quebrantar a Stacy de la peor forma.Sadistic bastard, and he wanted to break stacy in the worst way.
Bien, porque Lukka nos va a enseñar como quebrantar la voluntad de una aldea entera mediante la matanza de su ganado y profanando sus lugares de culto.Good, 'cause Lukka's gonna teach us how to break the will of an entire village by killing their livestock and desecrating their places of worship.
Como el sheriff de Detroit que decidió era momento de quebrantar la ley a fin de ayudar a la gente.Like the sheriff in Detroit who decided it was time to break the law in order to help the people.
Dice que esos fármacos pueden ser utilizados de manera efectiva para quebrantar la voluntad de cualquiera.Medical examiner says that these drugs can be effectively used... to break down somebody's will.
A veces la quebranto.I break the law sometimes.
Ahora, si cumplo este juramento y no lo quebranto, que los frutos de la vida y el arte sean míos, que sea siempre honrado por todos los hombres y que lo contrario me ocurra si lo quebranto y soy perjuro.While I continue to keep this oath inviolate, may it be granted to me to enjoy life and the practice of my art, respected always by all men, but should I break and violate this oath, may the opposite be my lot.
Capitán, seguro hay una explicación para el quebranto de Raker.I'm sure there's an explanation for Raker's breakdown.
No quebranto la ley.I don't break the law.
Penetrando en l'estación un seremil de personas me ruedan como corona al verme sumida en llanto, porque era mucho el quebranto al partir para Polonia.In the station, all around the crowds watch me sob, but my heart is breaking, as I leave for Poland.
"¿Qué he hecho, Kojak?" Además de trastornar el turismo, quebrantas la ley y te envenenas el hígado, ¿verdad?[Mocking] "What'd I do, Kojak?" I mean, besides hustling the tourist trade, break the laws and, uh, poison your liver, right?
De momento, te creen, y están listos para servirte pero si quebrantas su confianza tomando decisiones irracionales rápidamente se alejarán de ti.For the moment, they believe you, and are prepared to serve you but if you break that trust by making irrational decisions, they will quickly fall away from you.
Si le gritas a alguien, le quebrantas el espíritu.You yell at a guy, you break his spirit.
Si quebrantas este juramento, date por muerto.If you break this oath, you will be killed
Si quebrantas la ley, hay un viejo dicho en los negocios:If you break the law, there's
- ¿Qué tal si quebranta la ley?- What if she breaks the law?
Casi ilegal, pero técnicamente nunca quebranta la ley.Ah. Sails close, but technically never breaks the law.
Con todo el respeto a su tío, el policía que quebranta la ley es el que no merece llevar la placa.All due respect to your uncle, it's the cop who breaks the law doesn't deserve to wear the shield.
Cuando el orden se quebranta, la violencia aflora, los jugadores se asustan y el dinero se marcha.When order breaks down, violence breaks out, punters get scared off and the money dries up.
Esto quebranta muchas normas.It breaks every reg in the manual.
Cuando vamos a la huelga nos dicen que quebrantamos la ley.When we go on strike, you tell us we're breaking the law.
Mira defendemos la ley y quebrantamos la ley en nombre de la ley.Look... we uphold the law and break the law in the name of the law.
No quebrantamos ninguna ley, Gene.We're not breaking any laws, Gene.
No quebrantamos ninguna ley.We're not breaking any laws.
Alguien que entienda... que aquellos que quebrantan la ley han de ser castigados rápidamente y cuando sea necesario, severamente... para la aplicación plena de nuestras leyes...Someone who understands... that those who break the law need to be punished swiftly and whenever necessary, severely... to the fullest extent of our laws...
Aquellos que quebrantan las normas en el mundo ninja son escoria.In the world of ninjas, people who break the rules are considered scum
En el mundo ninja, aquellos que quebrantan las reglas son considerados escoria, pero los que abandonan a sus compañeros son peor que escoria.In the world of ninjas, people who break the rules are considered scum But people who do not care about their friends are worse than scum
Henri algunos hombres son destruidos por las leyes que ellos quebrantan y son capaces de resistir a sus opresores.GLEN Henri. Some men are broken by the laws that they break. Unable to resist the forces that are pulling them down.
Las decisiones que toman estas personas, las leyes que ellos quebrantan, el dinero que esta gente extrae de la economía global ilegalmente ...y en algunos casos de forma legal... todo lo que ellos hacen afecta cada aspecto de tu vida.The decisions that these people make, the laws that these people break, the money that these people extract from the global economy illegally ...and in some cases legally... everything that they do affects every aspect of your life.
*Sí, creo que quebranté la ley*** Yeah, I think we broke the law **
- No sé cual es la política sobre salir con los asistentes de los profesores, pero creo que la quebranté.- I don't know what the policy is on dating T.A.S, - but I think I broke it. - Huh?
Andaba con malas compañías quebranté un montón de leyes y lastimé a mis padres.Ran with a rough crowd, broke a lot of laws and say nothing to my folks' hearts.
Está bien. La cosa es creo que quebranté uno de los mandamientos.AII right£¬ the thing is£¬ I think I broke one of the commandments.
Le quebranté el espíritu a la anciana. ¡Sí!I have broken the old lady's spirit. Yeah.
- Bueno, la quebrantaste.- Well, you broke that.
El punto fundamental es, si quebrantaste la ley.The bottom line is, if you broke the law
Elizabeth, quebrantaste la ley.Elizabeth, you broke the law.
Entonces quebrantaste la ley le plantaste el arma a Randall y me decepcionaste.Then you broke the law. Planted the gun..., on Randall..., ...let me down.
Es porque quebrantaste las reglas.The reason they call us beasts is because you broke the rules.
"No pondré a un hombre inocente en prisión sólo porque es una amenaza política Marvin Beckett no quebrantó ninguna ley""I will not put an innocent man in prison just because he is a political threat. "Marvin Beckett hasn't broken any law."
- Bien. Como una socia mayoritaria, quiero saber si esta firma quebrantó la ley abiertamente.As a senior partner, I want to know if this firm outright broke any laws.
- Lamenta haberse escondido en el camión, que sabe que quebrantó la ley y será castigada, pero nos pide que la dejemos ir.-She's sorry she hid in my truck, she knows she broke the law and will be punished, but she's asking us to let her go.
Alguien quebrantó esa ley.That law has been broken.
Cada uno de nosotros está aquí porque quebrantó la ley.Each of us is here because we broke the law.
Anoche, todos quebrantasteis la ley.Now, last night, y'all broke the law.
Así que te quebrantaron tu espíritu.So they broke your spirits.
Exacto, no sólo son tramposos, sino que quebrantaron la ley federal.Exactly, so not only are they cheaters, They broke federal law.
Pusieron en peligro las vidas de mis agentes, y al hacer eso, probablemente quebrantaron la ley.Risked the lives of my cops, and in doing so, probably broke the law.
Y los acusados, al matar a Billy Corman, quebrantaron la más sagrada ley de todas.And the accused, in killing Billy Corman, broke that most sacred law of all.
"Nada quebrantará su unión sagrada"Nothing will break their sacred union.
Ningún látigo quebrantará su espíritu.No whip will break his spirit.
- Debería darte vergüenza... permitir que un niño quebrante tu espíritu.William, you should be ashamed of yourself... letting a little child break your spirit.
Aquél que quebrante el juramento será asesinado. ¡Tú escoges!He who breaks his oath will be killed. You choose!
Como cualquier hombre presente que quebrante la ley.As will any man here who breaks the law.
De ahora en adelante... cualquier agente, detective, novato o empleado que quebrante la ley no solo perderá su trabajo, sino que irá a la cárcel.From now on... any officer, detective, rookie or clerk who breaks the law will not just lose their job, they will go to jail.
El 28 de Mayo los altos mandos en retiro envían una carta pública al Presidente Allende, donde afirman que las Fuerzas Armadas se considerarán autónomas en el caso de que el gobierno quebrante la Constitución.28th of May, retired Generals send a public letter to President Allende who affirm that the armed forces will consider themselves independent in the case of the government breaking the Constitution
Alguien se tiene que asegurar que no quebrantes ninguna ley...It's not my intent to break the peace. But somebody got to ensure you don't break any laws.
No quebrantes la ley, no cumples sentencia.Don't break the law, you don't get the sentence.
No quebrantes tu sobriedad, por favor.Don't break your sobriety, please.
Pero soy muy fuerte Para que quebrantes mi espírituBut I'm way too strong for you to break my spirit
Piensa en el juramento que hiciste y no lo quebrantes ahoraThink about the oath you swore now and don't break it any more now.
- No quebrantemos la ley.- Let's not break the law.
Quizá otras dos, quizá 10... a menos que nos quebrantemos primero.Maybe another two, maybe 10... unless we break up first.
Edison fue recientemente nombrado para el Comité de Inteligencia del Senado, el que se asegura de que los espías no quebranten ninguna ley, como la desaparición de civiles inocentes... esa clase de cosas.Edison was recently appointed to the Senate Intel Committee, the one that makes sure spies don't break any laws, like disappearing innocent civilians... that kind of thing.
No quebranten la paz del Estado, sinvergüenzas.Come on. Stop breaking the state's peace, you naughty boys!
Si respaldan el hecho de que chicos de 1 5, 1 6 y 1 7 años no tienen que cumplir con un simple contrato de baloncesto cuánto creen que pasará antes de que quebranten la ley?If you endorse the fact that 1 5-, 1 6- and 1 7-year-olds don't have to honor the simple rules of a basketball contract, how long do you think it'll be before they're out there breaking laws?
"El vínculo de amor no puede ser quebrantado""the bond of love cannot be broken"
- Bueno, la Srta. Sharma afirma que nunca ha quebrantado la ley en pos de un caso.Well, Miss Sharma claims she's never broken the law in pursuit of a case.
- Bueno, no hubiera quebrantado la ley.Well, I wouldn't have broken the law.
- Colega, si has quebrantado la ley...- Mate, if you've broken the law...
- El delito... qué leyes se han quebrantado, cuántas personas estén involucradas, cuánto dinero, quién ha sufrido daños.The crime -- what laws were broken, how many people were involved, how much money, who was hurt.
- Estamos quebrantando la ley.- We're breaking the law.
- Estoy quebrantando muchas leyes.- I'm breaking a lot of laws.
- Estás quebrantando la ley.- Now, you are breaking the law.
- Y si usted se inculpa a sabiendas en nombre de otro, está quebrantando la ley.And if you're knowingly taking the fall for somebody else then you're breaking the law.
A Dios le he ofendido quebrantando sus mandamientos de muchas maneras.God, I have offended by breaking his commandments in many ways;

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